
Friday, July 31, 2020

11 big benefits of exercise, know immediately

11 big benefits of exercise, know immediately

11 big benefits of exercise, know immediately

Everyone knows that exercising or exercising is beneficial for health.  Many times we find excuses to avoid exercise, or even after thinking a thousand times, we are not able to make it an essential part of our routine.  But we are telling you, the benefits of exercising, after knowing that you will not find excuses for it.  Know 10 big benefits -

1. Exercise keeps our muscles healthy, and also improves the flow of blood in the body, so that you remain healthy, the brain also actively works by getting the right blood supply, and also in making new brain cells. Helps. 

2. Exercise helps in controlling blood pressure.High blood pressure is reduced by about 75 percent by regular exercise. Apart from this, aerobics is also very beneficial for blood pressure.

3. Regular exercise increases metabolicism and calorie burn even when resting after exercise, which leads to rapid weight loss.Apart from this, exercise slows the pace of your growing age and helps you stay young for longer.

4. exercises can eliminate stress and depression as well as other mental problems.According to a research, regular exercise has an antidepressant effect.Exercising about half an hour a few days a week improves symptoms of depression.

5. Exercise helps you to get rid of physical pain.This relieves back pain and the problem of pain and strain in the extremities.Apart from this, it is helpful in increasing immunity by increasing energy levels in the body. 

6. Regular exercise reduces blood cholesterol levels and helps to increase HDL cholesterol or good cholesterol by reducing harmful cholesterol.This allows the heart to pump more blood, and we are able to take more oxygen.

7. Exercise is very beneficial in increasing and maintaining energy levels in the body.  It also helps you maintain freshness throughout the day and keep you fresh.

8 regular exercises 

can protect you from dangerous diseases like cancer.This reduces the risk of various types of cancer, especially colon cancer and blood cancer.

9. Exercise increases stamina so that we can do our work better and better, it increases the ability to work. 

10 Exercise is the most effective way to keep the skin beautiful and young.

When exercising, the blood circulation becomes faster, which increases the brightness and brightness on the skin, and the skin looks healthy and young.  And your skin also has a natural glow.

11. Regular exercise reduces blood
cholesterol levels and helps to increase HDL cholesterol or good cholesterol by reducing harmful cholesterol.  This allows the heart to pump more blood, and we are able to take more oxygen.

Exercise increases the stamina, so that we can do our work better and better, this increases the ability to work.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Take this diet daily in the morning for good health

Take this diet daily in the morning for good health

Take this diet daily in the morning for good health

Today I am going to tell you who does not want to be healthy in time, for good health, take this diet every day that everyone wants to be healthy, his health is very good.  We all know that morning breakfast is very important for our health and how beneficial.

If morning breakfast is good then what is the use

If the breakfast is good and healthy, we can take it out all day without eating it.

But if you are not using healthy things for breakfast, then this is very big for you

May cause trouble.So let's tell you what to eat for breakfast
May prove to be good.

Eating soaked gram is beneficial.

Sprouts and wet gram food are very beneficial for our health. Energy gives sprouts and growing gram bodies. Along with this, stemina of body also increases. 

Corn Flex should eat and eat. Nutritions are also available to work on the whole day by eating it with milk. 

Otmil has files that maintain a great difference. Otmil does not seem hungry for a long time and the stomach feels full of time


Eggs are very healthy for our health because protein is found in abundance. Along with this, there are nutritions which keep our body.

Paneer protein

Paneer food is beneficial for us. Cheese is considered a good source of protein and nutrition because it is found in this abundance. It does not seem hungry for a long time.


This is all of us know that Apple food is beneficial for us. Apple also has vitamins and minerals as well as fibers who give us energy.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Benefits Of Butter

Benefits Of Butter

Benefits Of Butter

In the current lifestyle, we are taking all the fatty things out of our diet.Talking of butter, once in the past, a lot of butter along with bread was included in the morning breakfast, today we have completely ignored it.  But do you know that eating butter also has its own benefits.By consuming this, you will get health benefits as well as beauty benefits.

So let's know the benefits of butter-

Yes, butter is not an ordinary thing.  It helps you in preventing diseases like cancer.Indeed, the fatty acid conjugated linolec present in butter helps to prevent cancer.

Chronic fever is cured by consuming cow's milk butter and steamed sugars, in addition, eating honey and sleeping work with butter provides relief to TB patients.

Applying cow's milk butter on the eyes is very beneficial in the problem of eye irritation.It eliminates irritation in the eyes due to any reason.

Iodine is found in plenty in butter, which is beneficial for thyroid patients.Apart from this, the vitamin A in it is also very beneficial for the thyroid gland.

The butter is rich in fatty acids and vitamin 'A', which makes the skin soft, moisturized, shiny and supple.

The selenium found in butter helps you improve your mood.So whenever your mood is bad, a little butter can help you to fix it.

Take a ripe banana and mash it to a smooth paste.If you wish, you can also blanch bananas in Blander. Now put butter in this banana paste and mix them well.

Butter has anti-aging properties, which prevents wrinkles in the skin, as well as the use of butter makes skin soft.

Antioxidant-rich butter protects the skin from cancer and tumors, and protects the skin from free radicals. It is very beneficial for the skin. Its massage kills the skin.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Due to these 3 dirty habits of boys, body cannot be formed.

Due to these 3 dirty habits of boys, body cannot be formed.

Due to these 3 dirty habits of boys, body cannot be formed.

Everyone wants his body to be steely, he looks better than others but due to some bad habits of boys, he is unable to fulfill his dream.  Most people have these bad habits, due to which their body cannot be formed.

 Today we will tell you about those 3 bad habits of boys, due to which their bodies are not able to be formed, and the boys take the name of the second dish to hide their mistake.

Due to this, the body of boys cannot be made.

Laziness of boys

Laziness of boys is their biggest weakness.  People who have a habit of sleeping for a long time can never make their own body, because time is needed to build a body, and those who get up late are very short of time.

Ignoring food and drink

Not paying attention to food and drink also comes in the bad habits of the boys.  Many people do not make the right choice of food, by doing so for a long time their body is not able to digest food properly.

lack of information

The third biggest mistake of boys is lack of information.  Many people do wrong exercises at their home, and think that their body will be made but it does not happen.  The body of a person is formed only by properly exercised exercise.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

15 Bodybuilding Tips for Beginners

15 Bodybuilding Tips for Beginners

15 Bodybuilding Tips for Beginners

It is everyone's dream to build a good body, especially in today's time, almost every youth wants to have a tremendous body, killer biceps and also see six pack abs. That is why today we have come up with the solutions to build your body. Or you can say anything like them / tips.

How To Make Perfect Body 

To tell all this, today we have brought for you Body building tips, which will not only increase your information, but you will be able to reach your goal easily by following them. You all know that to get anything, we have to work hard and focus completely on it.

If you do not take any work seriously, then it is not done properly. Something like this is about making a body, unless you don't think about it serially, you will not be able to make a body.  So first of all, you have to make your goal and decide that I have to build a body.

Talking about advice and tips, let us tell you 15 tremendous tips to build a body, which you have to keep in mind.

1.Do warm-up

Warmup is an important part of the body building program that many people ignore.  Workouts done without warm-up can give you a loss rather than a profit. We have told you about this in a separate post. If you have not read the post, then read now how to warm-up, what is a warm-up. You will get complete information in it.

2.Challenge the muscles

 If you are stuck at the same weight every day, then you are on the wrong path. If you want to see changes in your body, for that you have to challenge your issues. To do the challenge, you should increase your weight a little in every exercise at little interval. It is very important to do this to increase the size of your muscles.

3.Do reps until you fail.

 Do not be afraid to fail, you may be able to do less reps in any exercise if you are overweight. But you have to try to lift that weight until your muscles answer completely. Do not do that, we put on 30 kg weight 4-5 times and left it when it was full.  These are ways to create a very good body, which you have to take care of.

4.Do not get stuck in the exercise of the machine itself.

What many people do is that they are engaged in machine exercises for months or even longer. Let me tell you that machine exercise does not give you as much benefit as free weight exercise. The machines were made just so that the newcomers would not have any problem in making balance while exercising.

The first one is fine for 1 month, but after that you just focus on free weight. You can use the machine exercise later as a warm-up for any bodypart. As you have to exercise chest, first set a small weight, and start in the machine. This will warm up the muscles of your chest.

5.Take a diet full of protein 

 If you are determined to make a body, consider protein as your god, see it every time you eat and do it every time. Those people who look for remedies or tips for body building, tell them that protein management is the most important part of muscle building.

Without it, making a body is like piercing an ant's ear. We have told you in our post about how much protein we should take daily, to make the body very detailed. If you have not read the post, then definitely read it. You will all understand what is the contribution of protein in the body and why it is so important.The remedies for making the body that we have mentioned will help you in making your body.


What we do is make a plan for everyday, like today I have to exercise chest and do these 5 exercises to train chest.We keep doing this continuously for months.Whenever the number of our chest comes, we do the same 5 exercises. From now on, you should stop doing this.

Our body is also bored, so keep changing the exercises from time to time. Experimenting in exercises is also necessary and it is also exciting. One of the advantages of this is that you avoid platue. We are not asking you to change all the exercises, but you can change at least 2 out of 5. You will definitely see the benefit of doing this.

7.Make a partner

In the gym, you must have seen that 2-3 boys are engaged on any exercise.You also have to make a partner of your own who exercises with you and does the same exercise that you also do on that day. Meaning the exercise plan of both should be exactly the same. The partner helps you a lot like giving support, keeping the balance right, etc.

 Apart from this, if your partner is senior to you, then you can also get tips to make a good body from him, because he has more experience than you. Apart from this, there is also a little competiton among themselves, which will be very beneficial for you.  You are inspired by seeing each other's progress.  There is also discussion about diet with each other.

8.Make an exercise plan

While making a body, you have to walk with the whole plan.You cannot do that when you have done any exercise in your mind.  You should prepare a good exercise plan in which 2 bodyparts are exercised everyday.

Such as chest-triceps on Monday, back-legs on Tuesday and shoulder-biceps on Wednesday. In this way, every week your body part will be exercised 2 times, which will be best for you.No muscle should train more than 2 times in a week, this is very wrong, because the muscles do not get time to recover and then they never grow.

9.Give a gap of 60 hours in each exercise

You have to keep in mind that after exercising any body part, do not exercise that body part for at least 60 hours.  Like today you have exercised biceps, so now you do not have to exercise biceps again for at least 60 hours.Every muscle has a recovery time of its own. Body Banane Ke Tips are still in progress Continue reading the tips for body building.

10.Must take pre-workout meal

If you are taking a supplement, it is okay, otherwise you should eat some healthy food half an hour before starting the exercise.  Like eat 2 bananas or you can eat 2 eggs, use whatever good thing is available with you.  Due to this, there will be no lack of energy in you while doing workouts.You will be able to do your workout with full intensity.

11.Focus on big issues

You must have seen many people that they are running after biceps and triceps, biceps and triceps are very small muscles, they take time to grow. One thing you should understand is that the more you target your big muscles like chest, legs, back and shoulder, the sooner your biceps and triceps will become.

It is the law of the body that it moves the size of all the organs in a proportion. You have never seen that someone's thighs are so thin and the biceps are 18 inches. This never happens. Yes, it is definitely seen that the biceps whose size of the thighs are good, automatically improves the size. So always target big muscles, small muscles will be made with them automatically.

12.Learn to kill the summons

To build a body, you have to kill your desires. We know that you also like to eat junk food and sweet food. You also like fried things. But you have to leave all these to make a body. Initially, you have a lot of difficulty, but as time passes, you will also learn to kill the summons.

All these things hinder your becoming a good body. There is no place for all these things in body building. Note the manner of eating and eating the food of any serious bodybuilder, you will come to know how much he is aware of his diet. These are very important Body building tips that you have to follow.

13.Learn to count calories

This is a very important thing in body building tips. As long as you do not know what you will get from what you are eating and how many calories you will get, then you will remain confused. We have told about our post calories, how many calories should be taken in full detail every day.

14.Take complete rest

You have done everything correctly, so now it is the turn to give complete rest to the body. After exercising, they do not increase until the muscles get complete rest. For this it is necessary that you sleep well and in a quiet place.You have to sleep for at least 9 hours. And if possible, you can sleep half an hour or even 1 hour a day.This will speed up body growth.

15.Be patient

The hard work you do to make your body, the more you are doing it. Those who want to eat are also eating, now it is time to wait.  It takes time to change the body and if you are unable to keep patience then this thing is not for you. You have to be patient, focus on your work, after some time you will definitely start getting good results. You have read 15 tremendous tips to make the body here, you just have to follow these tips.

We are confident that if you follow this path, after some time you will have a very good body of your own. To build a body you need consistency. Just hang on and give the body time

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Create your own gym at home on a lesser budget

Create your own gym at home on a lesser budget

Create your own gym at home on a lesser budget

Exercising by going to the gym to keep yourself fit, every person who wants to be aware of their fitness but sometimes lack of time or sometimes fear of spoiling the budget, can be any reason behind not going to the gym.  But if you cannot go to the gym then why not prepare your budget gym at home, money will be saved and time too.

 Start preparations from the room

If you have a living room or guestroom, room lights and proper ventilation, then this can be the perfect gym for you.  Clean the room and place mats in it, making sure that the mats are not slippery.  In addition to the mats, arrange for a chair and a three-step ladder.  You can start the weight loss exercise by climbing and descending the ladder.

Skipping rope

Skipping rope will be easily found at any sports shop.  It is generally present in the range of Rs 150 to Rs 1500.  You get it according to your budget and needs.  Rope jumping is an extremely easy and effective workout.


Dumbbells and barbells are necessary for weight lifting exercise, so you should also invest in them.  They are available in local stores at a cost of Rs 150 to Rs 500 per kg.  Some stores also offer exchange with old dumbbells.  You can increase their weight according to your need.

Exercise ball

Exercise ball or stability ball is quite effective to keep oneself in shape.  It can also be used with other devices.  Its price in the market can be between Rs 600 and Rs 1000.

Round ring or hoop

Hoop is a great tool to reduce calories from the waste.  Putting it in the waist and rotating the waist waist reduces belly and waist fat.  Keep in mind that the hoop should be as big as you are.  Its price in the market can start from Rs 150.

 Registration bands

Registration bands are used extensively for stretching and maintaining body balance.  While buying it, keep in mind that the grip of the handles is good.  It can be found in the market from 1500 to 3000 rupees.

Weight machine

It is very important to have a weight machine in your gym so that you can keep a record of the changes in your weight.  A weight machine can be found in the market for a price of 800 to 1500 rupees.

If you want, initially consult a trainer for a few days and then do workouts at home with the help of these tools.

Monday, July 13, 2020

For good body, what to eat and how much eat

For good body, what to eat and how much eat

For good body, what to eat and how much eat

Body Building is a science. This is a long way from applying and drinking milk. Which you see, you see the 18-inch biceps above the Six Pack Abs, it does not become from milk and penalties. They make science and bullocks. If you understand this science, you will get good results in less time, less expense and less mistakes. Otherwise the body, time and rupee will have to suffer everyone.

Body building has roughly three parts - 1 exercise 2 Diet 3 comfort

Exercise is done according to the need. After spending time in the gym and after the advice of the expert, you know what is right for you at the present time. Diet: 

One to one and a half ago spent in the gym asks you to eat six times. There is both time and money in his arrangement. If you are really thinking about making something then take care of the pocket.

Relax: Day restless, night restless, where the body will be happy. During the exercise, your body is very broken. This breakup repair is during rest. If you are not able to sleep eight hours then it is difficult to come up. 

It is also important to calculate whether it is food and how much food is there. There are all the things to eat, in which protein, fat etc. are there, this information will be mobilized and you will be able to make a good diet chart. You are doing everything right, but if the diet is not taking right then the result will be in vain.

Science of Diet: There are some words that you will get to hear more these days. Like protein, calories, carbohydrate, fat. Let's know what these words mean for you calories: You need energy (energy) from racer to breathing. 

This energy is measured in calories. You get energy from what you drink. However, the point of the issue is that there will be a weight event or weight can cost only.

The question is how much Its a simple formula is if your weight is 100 kg, then you have to take 100% 30 meaning to 3000 calories. Take a quantity of your weight multiplying from 30. Protein: 

Protein makes masals and retains them. It also costs energy to digest and it is also energied. It is also a direct mathematics to fix its quantity, those who go to the gym should take proteins between one to two grams per kg. For example, between 60 kg of protein 60 to 120 grams throughout the day.

Carbohydrate: This gives us the energy to work. It turns into glucose compared to protein and fat. Indian food pulses, rice, roti, vegetables are present in the fine amount of carbohydrate. Now how much cars you need should depend on this question that you need to be. If you want two thousand calories every day then 250 grams will have to take carbohydrate. Formula is 2000 run from 2 and then run it from 4 to 4.

What is it in the diet and how much 45 percent of carbohydrate 15 percent 40 percent protein is a baseline. According to the body needs, it is less preceded. Before deciding your diet and exercise, take advice of expert.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Eating after going to the gym

Eating after going to the gym

Eating after going to the gym

Nowadays everyone appears to be exercising in the gym in the wanted to get a good look. But if you want to keep yourself fit then nothing will be done by running hours on the treadmill. You will have to rotate on your own eating along with exercise. Generally, people resort to supplemental for body building, but if your diet is good then you will not need these supplements. So today know that post workout about diet plan.


eggs are not only a good medium of protein, but also helps in growing your masses. After the Waterpable Stuff Omelet workout, a good combination of Test and Nutrition can be proved.


 Avocado offers you Vitamin B, which helps you in the metabolism of carbohydrate and protein. Therefore, after the exercise you must take some slices and avocado. If you want, you can make it even by creating a smudge.


Since the cherry is found in antioxidant rich in cherries, therefore after consumption of the workout, it is very relief from the pain in the muscles.

Brown Rice

 If you eat white rice so far, then change your room from Brown Rice. Brown Rice is not just a good source of antioxidants, but also found fiber. Which helps your metabolism by improving your weight loss. You can eat at any time.

Dry Fruits 

If you are quite serious about your fitness then you must include dyfroots in your diet. Especially, after the workout, the food like Dye Fruits, raisins etc. is very good.

Stay hydrate

Since you sweat enough during the gym, electrolytes decrease from your body. If you do normal exercises, you do not need electrolytes, but those who work long and hard to work, they are required. To recharge your body again, pay attention to the extra options of water. As you can consume coconut water in place of water. Potassium is found in a lot of quantity and it also provides great relief from cramping and pain after exercise.

Keeping time

Whenever the post is done by the workout diet, then your gimming timings pay a lot of role. For instance, if you go to the gym at the evening then you should not take cars at night. At the same time, the workouts should be carved to the workouts. Apart from this, your diet depends on time to your height, weight and your exercise. 

But then you must eat 7 to 15 grams protein after its exercise. Remember that the post workout diet is also called a recovery mile because it pays an important role in your muscles gain. So do not eat anything that is not good for your health. Well, after half an hour of the workout, it is good to do protein.

Monday, July 6, 2020

How to make boys body fitness

How to make boys body fitness

Top 7 Boys Body fitness will talk about how to make it. In today's time, boys are as much worried about their body fitness as girls are worried about their figure.

In today's time, boys must pay attention to body fitness, which also makes a difference on their personality and looks smart. Body fitness makes it easy to get your job. Saliva smartness is seen everywhere in today's time. Whether it is for any purpose.

 As far as I know, girls are also the first to see boys' body fitness and prefer boys who have good body fitness, so I am going to tell you some body fitness tips today.

Join Gym 

How to make boys body fitness

Should go to jim for body fitness. Going to the gym keeps our body fit, so that you will not get tired to do any work and you can work all day without getting tired as you may have heard that a disease like cold and cold can happen quickly. Those who have weakness in their body, but when you go jim, then it makes your body strong, so that you get rid of such diseases.

How to make boys body fitness If you go to the gym, then going to the gym increases your Stemina. You will fail, so go to the gym or make a daily rule that if you have to walk so far everyday or run, then your stamina is good.

Health Maintain 

Along with going to the gym, you have to take care of your food as well, because unless you eat properly, then your body will not get fitness, you should eat more things which are high in protein.

 Or you can also use body building powder, if you can do body fitness without any powder, you feel that you can do more hard work, then you need powder.

Don't eat oily

The most important thing for body fitness is to take care of food as much as the protein stuff in it matters as much as the harmful things also, in today's time there is a lot of craze for fast food but everyone wants to eat but It should not be eaten with high oil for body fitness or fast food, parathas, such things.

Eat Non Veg 

Non-veg is also very helpful for body fitness, if you eat meat, eggs, then it will also make your body fit because in non-veg there is more vitamin, protein content.

Must Drink Milk 

In today's time, everyone definitely drinks milk but some people do not like milk at all. Tell you, milk supplies calcium in us, even if you cannot drink much, drink a little but definitely drink it to our body fitness  I also help.


Due to the busy life of everyone, no attention is paid to the salad. Salad is very important for our body, if you eat beetroot in the salad, then you will see your body fitness difference in your body but The effect will be seen after at least 15 days.


How to make boys body fitness

Now comes the most helpful exercise for exercise body fitness, some exercises make our body fit in such a way that our body needs you to do exercise for 30 minutes every morning. Whatever your age.

 By the way, friends, I want to advise you to go to the gym because no matter how much time you spend at home and spend it in body fitness, but you can only do it at home for two days, but after that you will leave the gym to become a rule.You will have to complete it because you will think I have given money, so why not take advantage of it.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

You can also reduce stomach without exercise, know the easiest ways

You can also reduce stomach without exercise, know the easiest ways

You can also reduce stomach without exercise, know the easiest ways

When you open your mouth, a lot of air goes into the stomach along with food, because when opening the mouth, you also start to breathe.

Every woman has a slim waist. If you also want a thin waist, then you can reduce your belly fat a bit and can get slim-trim figure.

Take pro biotics 

 Our stomach health has a great impact on our health and obesity. In such a situation, it is important for you to have good bacteria there. One way of this is to take probiotics.  Yogurt, yogurt contains plenty of probiotics.  Apart from this, probiotics supplements are also available in the market. The good bacteria present in probiotics will not only help you to fall sick and stay happy, but you will also have good digestive system.  Later, these things will make your stomach flat.

Get take your right sleep right 

Obesity has become a world-wide problem today and it is also related to less sleep. Just 30 minutes less sleep everyday can also cause weight gain. According to a research done by the Endocrine Society of America, if you sleep well and wake up with the sun, then your weight and waist will make a big difference. Along with getting sleep, get your hormones level checked regularly because women who are close to menopause tend to get less sleep. Due to which constipation also causes flatulence. Look at your drinking.

Turn off the mouth Stop the eating 

Mother would have told you to shut your mouth and eat. If you listen to the mother, you will have a thin waist. In fact, when you open your mouth, a lot of air goes into the stomach along with food, because while opening the mouth, you also take breath from it. So not only for the thin waist, but also to make the mother happy, eat your mouth closed.

Don't eat the sweet 

Who does not like sweet food but it is very bad for our body and its extra calories are very harmful especially for the stomach.  Actually, sugar gives strength to the bad bacteria present in the stomach, due to which the gas also starts to become extra.  Therefore, sugar is also one of the best ways to slim down the waist.

Spit chewing gum

Many people eat chewing gum to reduce craving or suppress appetite, but unfortunately this method has a side effect, and is flatulence.  In fact, everyone chewing swallows a small amount of air, but chewing chewing gum causes it to go into the stomach and swell.  Artificial sweeteners present in chewing gum increase the desire to eat junk food.  By eating chewing gum in this way, the circumference of the stomach increases in two ways.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

These 5 things women must eat to stay fit and healthy

These 5 things women must eat to stay fit and healthy

These 5 things women must eat to stay fit and healthy

Women have different body designs, so their nutritional requirements will also be different.  In such a situation, there are some things related to food and drink that you must eat so that you are always fit and healthy.

It has been proved in many research and studies that there are physical as well as metabolic differences between women and men.  Now, since the body of women is different from men, their needs related to nutrition will also be different from men.  So we are telling you about those 8 food items that every woman must include in her diet because by doing this they will be able to stay fit and healthy forever ...

One problem that often bothers women around the world is the lack of calcium.  Therefore, women of all ages must consume milk.  Milk is a very good source of calcium, if it is mixed with vitamin D and drunk, then it helps to stay away from osteoporosis related to bones.  Milk is also helpful in reducing the symptoms of PMS.


These 5 things women must eat to stay fit and healthy

Lycopene found in tomatoes is also considered very important for good health.  It has also been proved in many research and study that tomato can be helpful in preventing breast cancer and breast cancer is a fast growing disease in women.  So to avoid breast cancer, start eating tomatoes.  Apart from this, tomato also keeps heart diseases away.


These 5 things women must eat to stay fit and healthy

Oats rich in many nutrients are considered to be the best for women's health.  Oats are good for digestion, keep your heart healthy, keep blood pressure levels under control, as well as oats contain vitamin B6 to help relieve mood swings and PMS symptoms during periods  Does.  Also, oats contain folic acid, so women should definitely consume it during pregnancy.  It prevents any kind of physical disturbances in the child.


These 5 things women must eat to stay fit and healthy

When it comes to green vegetables, spinach is first named.  Although it may not be liked by many people, but spinach rich in vitamins, minerals, and magnesium is very healthy in terms of health.  Acute symptoms during periods such as swelling, breast-tenderness, bloating and weight gain.


These 5 things women must eat to stay fit and healthy

Walnuts ie omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and phytosterols are found in walnuts and all these three things reduce the risk of breast cancer.  Walnuts are also helpful in relieving bone health, arthritis and depression due to excess omega-3.