
Saturday, July 18, 2020

15 Bodybuilding Tips for Beginners

15 Bodybuilding Tips for Beginners

15 Bodybuilding Tips for Beginners

It is everyone's dream to build a good body, especially in today's time, almost every youth wants to have a tremendous body, killer biceps and also see six pack abs. That is why today we have come up with the solutions to build your body. Or you can say anything like them / tips.

How To Make Perfect Body 

To tell all this, today we have brought for you Body building tips, which will not only increase your information, but you will be able to reach your goal easily by following them. You all know that to get anything, we have to work hard and focus completely on it.

If you do not take any work seriously, then it is not done properly. Something like this is about making a body, unless you don't think about it serially, you will not be able to make a body.  So first of all, you have to make your goal and decide that I have to build a body.

Talking about advice and tips, let us tell you 15 tremendous tips to build a body, which you have to keep in mind.

1.Do warm-up

Warmup is an important part of the body building program that many people ignore.  Workouts done without warm-up can give you a loss rather than a profit. We have told you about this in a separate post. If you have not read the post, then read now how to warm-up, what is a warm-up. You will get complete information in it.

2.Challenge the muscles

 If you are stuck at the same weight every day, then you are on the wrong path. If you want to see changes in your body, for that you have to challenge your issues. To do the challenge, you should increase your weight a little in every exercise at little interval. It is very important to do this to increase the size of your muscles.

3.Do reps until you fail.

 Do not be afraid to fail, you may be able to do less reps in any exercise if you are overweight. But you have to try to lift that weight until your muscles answer completely. Do not do that, we put on 30 kg weight 4-5 times and left it when it was full.  These are ways to create a very good body, which you have to take care of.

4.Do not get stuck in the exercise of the machine itself.

What many people do is that they are engaged in machine exercises for months or even longer. Let me tell you that machine exercise does not give you as much benefit as free weight exercise. The machines were made just so that the newcomers would not have any problem in making balance while exercising.

The first one is fine for 1 month, but after that you just focus on free weight. You can use the machine exercise later as a warm-up for any bodypart. As you have to exercise chest, first set a small weight, and start in the machine. This will warm up the muscles of your chest.

5.Take a diet full of protein 

 If you are determined to make a body, consider protein as your god, see it every time you eat and do it every time. Those people who look for remedies or tips for body building, tell them that protein management is the most important part of muscle building.

Without it, making a body is like piercing an ant's ear. We have told you in our post about how much protein we should take daily, to make the body very detailed. If you have not read the post, then definitely read it. You will all understand what is the contribution of protein in the body and why it is so important.The remedies for making the body that we have mentioned will help you in making your body.


What we do is make a plan for everyday, like today I have to exercise chest and do these 5 exercises to train chest.We keep doing this continuously for months.Whenever the number of our chest comes, we do the same 5 exercises. From now on, you should stop doing this.

Our body is also bored, so keep changing the exercises from time to time. Experimenting in exercises is also necessary and it is also exciting. One of the advantages of this is that you avoid platue. We are not asking you to change all the exercises, but you can change at least 2 out of 5. You will definitely see the benefit of doing this.

7.Make a partner

In the gym, you must have seen that 2-3 boys are engaged on any exercise.You also have to make a partner of your own who exercises with you and does the same exercise that you also do on that day. Meaning the exercise plan of both should be exactly the same. The partner helps you a lot like giving support, keeping the balance right, etc.

 Apart from this, if your partner is senior to you, then you can also get tips to make a good body from him, because he has more experience than you. Apart from this, there is also a little competiton among themselves, which will be very beneficial for you.  You are inspired by seeing each other's progress.  There is also discussion about diet with each other.

8.Make an exercise plan

While making a body, you have to walk with the whole plan.You cannot do that when you have done any exercise in your mind.  You should prepare a good exercise plan in which 2 bodyparts are exercised everyday.

Such as chest-triceps on Monday, back-legs on Tuesday and shoulder-biceps on Wednesday. In this way, every week your body part will be exercised 2 times, which will be best for you.No muscle should train more than 2 times in a week, this is very wrong, because the muscles do not get time to recover and then they never grow.

9.Give a gap of 60 hours in each exercise

You have to keep in mind that after exercising any body part, do not exercise that body part for at least 60 hours.  Like today you have exercised biceps, so now you do not have to exercise biceps again for at least 60 hours.Every muscle has a recovery time of its own. Body Banane Ke Tips are still in progress Continue reading the tips for body building.

10.Must take pre-workout meal

If you are taking a supplement, it is okay, otherwise you should eat some healthy food half an hour before starting the exercise.  Like eat 2 bananas or you can eat 2 eggs, use whatever good thing is available with you.  Due to this, there will be no lack of energy in you while doing workouts.You will be able to do your workout with full intensity.

11.Focus on big issues

You must have seen many people that they are running after biceps and triceps, biceps and triceps are very small muscles, they take time to grow. One thing you should understand is that the more you target your big muscles like chest, legs, back and shoulder, the sooner your biceps and triceps will become.

It is the law of the body that it moves the size of all the organs in a proportion. You have never seen that someone's thighs are so thin and the biceps are 18 inches. This never happens. Yes, it is definitely seen that the biceps whose size of the thighs are good, automatically improves the size. So always target big muscles, small muscles will be made with them automatically.

12.Learn to kill the summons

To build a body, you have to kill your desires. We know that you also like to eat junk food and sweet food. You also like fried things. But you have to leave all these to make a body. Initially, you have a lot of difficulty, but as time passes, you will also learn to kill the summons.

All these things hinder your becoming a good body. There is no place for all these things in body building. Note the manner of eating and eating the food of any serious bodybuilder, you will come to know how much he is aware of his diet. These are very important Body building tips that you have to follow.

13.Learn to count calories

This is a very important thing in body building tips. As long as you do not know what you will get from what you are eating and how many calories you will get, then you will remain confused. We have told about our post calories, how many calories should be taken in full detail every day.

14.Take complete rest

You have done everything correctly, so now it is the turn to give complete rest to the body. After exercising, they do not increase until the muscles get complete rest. For this it is necessary that you sleep well and in a quiet place.You have to sleep for at least 9 hours. And if possible, you can sleep half an hour or even 1 hour a day.This will speed up body growth.

15.Be patient

The hard work you do to make your body, the more you are doing it. Those who want to eat are also eating, now it is time to wait.  It takes time to change the body and if you are unable to keep patience then this thing is not for you. You have to be patient, focus on your work, after some time you will definitely start getting good results. You have read 15 tremendous tips to make the body here, you just have to follow these tips.

We are confident that if you follow this path, after some time you will have a very good body of your own. To build a body you need consistency. Just hang on and give the body time

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