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Sunday, May 31, 2020

How to lose two pounds a week

How To Loss Two Pounds A Week

This article will lay out what it takes to lose two pounds a week and answer some common questions regarding this goal. Let's begin with a numerical understanding so you know what you are shooting for.

What Does It Take To Lose Two Pounds A Week?

In order to lose 1 pound, you need to run a caloric deficit of 3500 calories. So, if you goal is to lose two pounds a week, you need to have a caloric deficit of 7000 calories in a week's time, or average about 1000 calories a day. It may seem difficult on the surface, but this does not mean cutting your daily food intake by 1000 calories. As long as you average a net deficit of 1000 calories, you will lose two pounds by the end of the week. I'll explain more later.

What Should I Do First?

The first thing you need to do is know your caloric intake. Unless you've been following some pre-defined diet (with calorie stats), you need to record what you eat and how much you eat. Most food items have calorie information per serving size, so just check the labels. Do this for 7 days and you can find your average caloric intake per day.

Do I Have To Starve Myself 1000 Calories A Day To Lose Two Pounds A Week?

Now, remember the keyword is NET deficit, and that means you just need to burn more than you consume. So, if you take in just 500 calories less than you used to and burn 500 more than you used to, you will have a deficit of a 1000 calories! Eating smaller portions of the right foods more often can decrease your total caloric intake, keep you from feeling really hungry, AND burn more calories. 

What Can I Eat To Keep The Calories Down Yet Still Feel Satisfied.The key here is to eat foods that will satisfy you so you won't keep eating.

Foods That Contain a Lot of Water and Drinking Water before Meals.

Eating these type of foods both fills you up and contain less calories. Ex. Chicken broth, leafy greens, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, apples, watermelon, blueberries, peaches, cantaloupe, etc. Drinking Water before Meals

One of the big causes for weight loss is overeating. By drinking one or two glasses of water before starting a meal, the body starts to fill up on a calorie free liquid. This curbs the hunger somewhat and limits the craving to eat.

Furthermore, in an article published by the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, it publicized a study which shows that the body's metabolism increases by 30% after drinking 2 glasses of water. This means that the fat accumulated during a meal will burn faster and more efficiently when you drink water before eating. In the same study they found that people actually ate fewer calories after drinking water, and lost more weight than their counterparts.

In short - When you drink water before eating a meal it does two things for your diet: First of all, you end up eating fewer calories during the meal. Second, the water improves the system's ability to burn calories efficiently. Drinking water before meals is definitely a good start to a healthy diet and weight loss program.

 Fiber Foods

Aim for about 30 grams of fiber a day. These types of carbohydrates have only around 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 calories per gram as opposed to other types that have 4. Fiber not only slows the digestive process, which helps prevent blood sugar spikes, but also makes you feel satisfied. Stabilizing blood sugar is one way to prevent cravings and, therefore, overeating. Excellent food sources include whole grains, beans, and fruits and vegetables with skin.

Lean Protein

Always include lean protein in your meal. Studies have shown that protein make you feel full longer, thus keeping you from feeling hungry. Chicken, beans, fish, soy products, lean meats, low fat dairy, etc. are all great sources of protein.

Healthy Fats

Although fats are high in calories compared to protein and carbohydrates, 9-4-4 respectively, it is important to include just enough fats in your (main) meals to produce satiety. How much fat you take in with your meals depends on what your total caloric target is. Remember, if you want to lose two pounds a week, you must run a caloric deficit. So in order to get enough food in but still meet your caloric target, use fats wisely.

Extra virgin olive oil, expeller pressed canola oil, seeds and nuts are all healthy fats (Note: expeller press oils DO NOT involve chemicals or solvents in the extraction process).

What Kind Of Exercise Should I Do To Burn A Lot Of Calories?

This one is easy. Do bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, dips, and squats. These exercises activate the central nervous system and stimulate maximum muscle fibers, all critical to maximizing fat loss. If you even want a change to lose two pounds a week, DO THESE. To burn even more fat (exclusively), do about 15 minutes of low - medium intensity cardio IMMEDIATELY after your workout.

Are You Ready To Lose Two Pounds A Week...NOW?

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