
Sunday, February 25, 2024

Work Out Routine for home

Let us know how we can do exercise at home. There are many people who cannot go to the gym because they either do not have time or they are very busy in their life. It is easy to do home workout and everyone should do exercise. Even if you do not go to the gym, you should still do home workout. You should do it for at least 15 minutes so that you look very healthy and fit. Today we will talk about these topics. You are going to do it, let us know about home workout.

1. Wake up early in the morning. 

What will happen with this is that you will get time to do more workout and after exercise, like reading a book or doing any other activity, you will be free early in the morning and can start doing whatever is your work and if you do it quickly When you wake up, you will have plenty of time to do exercise so that you can complete the exercise and not do it in a hurry. You should wake up early in the morning if possible.

Related : Best 15 minute work out for womens 

Push Ups

First of all because it makes our body active and we feel like doing push ups and doing push ups brings energy to our body and we have more desire to exercise and if you do it before doing push ups then If you do warm ups for 5 minutes and you start enjoying exercise then you must try this once, first warm ups and then push ups. And if you do not know how to do warm ups, you can do warm ups by looking at the image given below.

                                           Do These 4 Warmup 

                                          1.Dynamic Stretches 

Photo by <a href="">Morgan Petroski</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

                                                       2. Jumping Jacks

Photo by <a href="">MARK ADRIANE</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

                            3. Alternate Toe Touch 

Photo by <a href="">Dane Wetton</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

                     4 Cat & Camel

Photo by <a href="">bruce mars</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Full Week Workout Plan at Home

Related: How to start strength exercise

Related : The benefits of healthy habits


1. Chest Work Out

              1 Normal Pushups.


In this, you have to do Push Ups by keeping your hands shoulder wide, this helps you gain middle chest quickly.

Do 3 - 4 sets of 12 - 15 repetitions and take 1 minute's rest. I am giving the image below to show you how to do it.


            2. Decline Pushup


In this, keep your legs at a high place and do Push Ups This helps in gaining upper chest quickly. For this you also need to do Set 3 - 4 Rep 12 - 15 Rest 1 Min.

               3Dumbbell Fly

                                                         Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash

In this, lie down on the ground and do dumbbell fly like this. This expands the chest quickly. Do 3 - 4 Set Rep 12 -15 and take a rest of 1 mint.


           4. Incline pushup


                                                       Photo by Fausto Sandoval on Unsplash

In this, place your hands on a bench and do push up. This helps in building lower chest. Set 3 - 4 Rep 12 - 15 Rest 1 Min

           5. Dumbbell pullover

In this, lie down and take the dumbbell down like this, then bring it above the chest. Remember to pull the chest well and stretch the chest at the back. Bring the dumbbell above and swing the chest well. Set 3 - 4 Rep 12 - 15 Rest 1 Minute


So friends, Monday's Work Out is over.


Now Tuesday is a Back Work Out

2. Back Work Out


                 1.  Pull up

                                                Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

For this, you can do it at home or you can also go to a park, this widens the back quickly. If you are not able to do pull ups, you can do 1 pull up, but you can definitely do 2 pull ups. How to do pull ups is given in the image below. So that you came to know how to do pull ups and if you are facing problem in doing pull ups, then you do 1 or 2 pull ups daily, what will happen with this is that you will slowly do daily, then 1 to 2 and then 5 And then you will be able to do 10 to 15 pull ups comfortably, try this once.

                         2. Bent over row

As shown in the image, take both the hands back and sweep the back. Bring the hands back down.This widens the back rapidly. Set 3 - 4 Rep 12 - 15 Rest 1 Mint


                    3. Back extension

In this way, take the towel and go down, pull the towel from both the sides and bring it near the chest, sweep the back and when you take your hand forward, stretch the back properly, this gives good cutting in the back, this also Set 3 - 4 Reps 12 - 15 Rest 1 Minute

          4. One arm dumbbell row

                                                  Photo by CATHY PHAM on Unsplash


In this, you take anything of any weight as shown in this image, when you lift the dumbbell up, stretch your back and slowly release it. Set 3 -4 Rep 12 -15 Rest 1 Mint

         5. Dumbbell deadlift

dumbbell deadlift

 Whatever thing you use in it, you must check its weight as described in this image. Do not take anything with heavy weight, it can also cause pain in your back, hence use something with less weight.

RelatedDumbbell biceps Workout at home

Back work out is over and now we will do Biceps & Cardio on Wednesday

3. Cardio & Biceps 

          1.  Dumbbell curl

                                                               Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

 In this workout also you can use any weight or dumbbell. { Set 3-4 Rep 12-15 Rest 1 Mint }      

           Related: Best Time to do Cardio exercise     

                    2. Hammer curl

                                                                            Photo by John Fornander on Unsplash

       In this, hold the dumbbell in the neutral gap and do hammer curl. This is a very good exercise for out of biceps. { Set 3-4 Rep 12-15 Rest 1 mint }

                        3Dumbbell straight curl 

         In this also do the same as mentioned in the image.{ Set 3-4 Rep 12-15 Rest 1 Mint ] 

                       4.  Reverse curl 

         In this, apply reverse curl by holding it in reverse grip as shown in the image.

        { Set 3-4 Rep 12-15 Rest 1 Mint } 

                       5. Concentration curl


         In this, concentration curl by taking support near the thighs, this makes the biceps grow  

         Faster. { Set 3-4 Rep 12-15 Rest 1 mint }


        Cardio For cardio you can Jugging and stop anywhere and do Burpees


                    Now we will do Thursday Triceps & Abs

4. Triceps & Abs 

                 1.   Diamond pushup

         In this, do Push ups by placing hands in diamond shape as first man shown in the image.

  Set 3-4 Rep 12-15 Rest 1 Mint 

              2.Dumbbell skull crusher       

                    In this, lie down on the ground and take the dumbbell back and then bring it back.When you take your hands down, stretch your triceps well and when you bring them up, stretch your triceps.

work out at home

                                               Set 3-4 Rep 12-15 Rest 1 Mint 

                   3. Single arm dumbbell extension 

home work out tips

       In this, you have to do the exercise as shown in the image. In this, you have to do the dumbbell with one hand. Keep in mind that you should not lift the weight only so much that you can do over head exercise. 

                                                           Set 3-4 Rep 12-15 Rest 1 Mint 

                           4.  Dumbbell kickback


home workout tips

        In this, when you take the dumbbell back, you stretch the triceps and when you bring it             forward, you switch the triceps.

                                                     Set 3-4 Rep 12-15 Rest 1 Mint


          Related : Triceps Workout for home

                              Now we will do abs exercise

      Crunches : Crunches exercise is very good for abs. { Set 3 Rep 12-15 Rest 1 Mint ]

     Bicycle Crunches : Do crunches like this image, this is the best exercise for obliques.

Crunches Exercise


      { Set 3 Rep 12-15 Rest 1 Mint }


                      Lying leg raise :

Lying Leg Raise

In this, you have to lift your leg like this, this is a very good exercise for lower abs.

    Now we will do shoulder work out on Friday.

5. Shoulder Work out 

                        1. Arnold Press

Arnold Press

 Hold the dumbbell like this and when you bring the dumbbell down, stretch your shoulders and go higher and do a Swiss. Remember, take only as much weight as you can lift, do not take more than this, you may suffer from lifting too much weight.

                                                    { Set 3-4 Rep 12-15 Rest 1 Mint }

                            2. Machine press

                             You can do this sitting or standing.

Machine Press


                           3. Dumbbell side raise

Dumbbell Side Raise

  You have to do the same as shown in the image.


                       4.Dumbbell front raise

                       Front shoulders gain faster with this exercise.


                      5.  Dumbbell shrugs

                  This exercise is very good for trap. It makes the trap bigger. Bring the dumbbell                                 up and hold it for a while. This will help your trap grow quickly.

               Related : Create your own gym at home on lesser budget

     6. Leg day

                          1 Dumbbell squats

Dumbbell Squats   
With this, we will do squats by holding dumbbells. Open the legs as much as shoulders and go down as far as you feel is right.

         Related : Best Home leg Workout 

                     2. Lunges Dumbbell

Lunges Dumbbell

                                 In this you have to work by holding dumbbells.

                     3.  Sumo squats

Sumo Squats

Look at the photo shown in this image and do the same sumo squat. In this exercise, open your legs in a wide grip.


                          4. Calf raise 

Calf Raise

      You can do this exercise while standing on any table.

                              All Work Out  { Set 3-4 Rep 12-15 Rest 1 Mint }

If you cannot go to the gym, you can do it at home by following this plan and can build your body fast and along with this, keep a proper diet, keep a good diet and keep good proper rest.   And yes, go to a gym which is near your home.And yes, if you cannot go to the gym on that day, you should think of Home Workout routine ideas like how to work out efficiently and gyming tips at home workout routine for home.