
Saturday, June 27, 2020

How to keep body fit

How To Keep Body Fit 

How to keep body fit
Who does not want to keep the body fit but
 in this busy life we ​​all do not pay attention to ourselves and then we have to face many problems.  So know that there are some such tips that you can keep yourself fit and healthy by bringing in your daily life -

1.If you like spicy and oily spices, and you only eat spicy food everyday, then avoid it a little bit.  Instead of eating spicy food, eat roasted and boiled food.  Add boiled lemon, onion, salt, green chillies, garlic ginger and chaat masala to the test.  But also keep in mind that if you feel dizzy, weakness, head or body pain due to eating them, then stop consuming these things.

2. Exercise should never be considered as a burden.  This keeps both our body and mind healthy and happy.  Just as food and water are necessary for our body, exercise is also very important.  But keep in mind that exercise should never be done in a wrong way or else it can also have a wrong effect on the body.

3. We do many things with electronic devices only due to laziness and to save time.  But try to do domestic work on your own as far as possible.  This will also burn your calories and keep your health right.

 4. Sleeping is also necessary to give comfort to the body.  That is why we must complete the sleep for 4-7 hours daily.  Researchers say that weight is also kept in control by taking enough sleep.

 5. Always eat as much food as it can fill your stomach.  Do not be tempted to eat too much food during the test.  Because after the stomach is full, the extra food you eat gets converted into calories.

 6. Always keep yourself busy, because when empty, the mind always goes on eating and we always eat something.

 7. People get bored by doing the same exercise daily, so they can also do different types of exercises.  Such as aerobic, brisk walking, weight lifting, cycling, etc.  Play outdoor games such as tennis, badminton etc.

Monday, June 22, 2020

If you want to stay healthy then adopt these funds of fitness

If you want to stay healthy then adopt these funds of fitness

If you want to stay healthy then adopt these funds of fitness

A healthy mind resides only in a healthy body ... The saying is old, but is completely true.  By the way, if we include some things in our routine and follow some rules, then we can keep ourselves fit more easily.  Know a few important things for this.

Workout Amazing 

In the walk we usually walk 40-50 steps in 1 minute, about 80 steps in the brisk walk and about 160 steps in jogging.  Do 30-45 minutes of cardio exercise (brisk walk, aerobics, swimming, cycling, jogging etc.) 5 days a week.  Do 5 minutes of warm-up before starting the exercise and 5 minutes of cool down after finishing.

Learn to breathe

Do yoga for half an hour daily.  Include asana, meditation, deep breathing and anulom-antonyms.  Taking 10-15 minutes of deep breaths in the morning increases the capacity of the langs by 70%.

Meditate for 10-10 minutes in the morning and evening.  This increases the amount of oxygen in the body and also controls BP.

Formula of 80 will keep fit

Keep stomach width, heartbeat, bad cholesterol, empty stomach sugar, lower BP below 80.  Play 80 applause daily and laugh at least 80 times.
 - Do not drink more than 80 mL soft drinks a day.  Also add soda to this 80 mL and dilute it and make 200 ml.
 - Do not eat more than 80 grams of salt in two weeks.  It can increase blood pressure.  BP patients should eat less salt.
 - Do 80 minutes brisk walk, 80 minutes aerobics and 80 minutes stretching exercises a week.  It is better to combine all three.
 - Surely complete heart condition up to 80% in the treadmill.  If the heart does not beat loudly in exercise, there is no use for the heart.

Lose weight, strength in life

- Do not aim to lose more than 2 kg of weight throughout the month.  If you lose weight very fast, then there is a high chance of gaining weight again because more diet reduces metabolism.
 - Keep a target of consuming 500 calories daily, but do not do so by eating less.  For this, subtract 250 calories from the food and reduce it by exercising 250 calories.
 - Keep a combo of 60% cardio and 40% strengthening exercises while losing weight.  Do brisk walk for cardio, aerobics, swimming, cycling etc. and do dumbbells, pushups, sit ups, sun salutations etc. for strengthening.

Keep BP in control

Keep your lower blood pressure below 80 mmHg.  If your lower blood pressure is more than 80 mmHg, go to the doctor every year for a checkup.

Healthy food, treasure of health

- Eat a little 5-6 times a day.  To keep the heart and liver fit, eat such things which are rich in fiber, such as wheat, jowar, millet, oats etc.  Cholesterol is reduced by the fiber of oatmeal, sprouts, oats and pulses.
 - Eat green vegetables, sunflower seeds, flax seeds etc.  These contain folic acid, which helps maintain cholesterol levels.
 - Flaxseed, almonds, beans, fish and mustard oil contain a lot of omega-three, which is good for the heart.
 - Eat 1-2 walnuts and 8-10 almonds daily.

Flour and sugar are dangerous

- Trans-fats are very harmful for health.  Trans fats are produced by heating the oil frequently or heating the oil too fast.  These plants are found more in ghee.
 - Although there is no direct connection to heart disease with saturated fats (ghee, butter, cheese, red meat etc.), it should be eaten only in the fat limit.
 - Refined carbohydrates (white sugar, white rice and white flour) are far more harmful than fat.  Try to remove them from your food.
 Use jaggery instead of sugar, brown rice instead of white rice.
 - Even if healthy, do not take more than 3-4 spoons of fat daily.  This includes desi ghee, butter and refined oil.

Avoid and save this way in heart attack

Do not take the pain arising in the chest lightly.  It can also be associated with heart disease.
 - Acidity and heart pain are similar.  Nevertheless, there can be difference between the two.
 - If there is severe pain in large area in the middle of the chest, the pain may feel moving towards the left arm, pressure like stone on the chest - Feel, much nervousness, restlessness, sweating, pain increases instead of decreasing, fear of heart attack  The pain of acidity remains stinging at a particular point.
 If there is a possibility of heart attack, immediately give the patient to chew 300mg of Asprin or drink it after dissolving in water.
 - Chances of survival of the patient increase by 30 percent.
 - Heart patients can also take sorbitrate instead of aspirin.

 Tension of TB

- TB virus grows rapidly in low light and dirty places.  It is better that the patient stay in a well ventilated and well lit room.  Open the windows by running a fan so that bacteria can come out.  The patient should avoid using crowded places and public transport.

 - TB patient should wear a mask.  If there is no mask, then every time you cough or sneeze, cover the mouth with a napkin.  Insert this napkin into the covered dustbin.  The patient should spit in a plastic bag instead of spitting here and there and put phenyl in it and close it well and put it in dustbin.

Stay alert in fever

- The safest drug in any fever is Paracetamol.  It is found in brand names like Crocin, Calpol etc.  It is considered safe in any fever.  Do not take aspirin at all in dengue.  Taking it in dengue is a risk of bleeding.

 - It is better to take a rectal temperature to measure fever, especially in children.  If you take the temperature by mouth, add 1 degree centigrade to it and assume the correct temperature.  98.3 d  Till is the normal temperature.  Fever up to 100 degrees usually does not require any medication.  If you have fever up to 102 degrees and there are no dangerous symptoms, then you can take care of the patient at home.

Allergy: Rescue Necessary

- Prevention is the cure for allergies.  Allergy victims should put a napkin on the nose before exiting the house.  The sheets, pillow covers and curtains should also be changed from time to time.  Do not use carpet or keep it dry for at least 6 months.

 - Do not keep pets at home.  Do not keep flowering plants indoors during the rainy season.  If possible, get air purifiers installed at home.  By the way, to strengthen the children's immune system, let them play in dust, mud, sun and rain.  They help children fight diseases.

Keep in mind if you are in a desk job

- Desk job workers should be sitting in the office doing exercises and stretching of neck and knees.  Keep your knees running continuously.  In 15-20 minutes of sitting, keep rotating the legs round and round straight.  Similarly, continue to do neck exercises.
 - Exercise the eyes every 30 minutes.  Remove the eyes from the screen and hinge away.  Then look closer.
 Cover the eyes well with the palms and open after 30 seconds.
 - Working at the computer, sitting in such a way that the waist is straight.  Hands get support of chair handles.
 - The greater part of Thai should be on the seat of the chair, but the knees should not be adjacent to its edge.  For this, you have to sit behind your waist.  Knees are lightly raised.
 - The upper part of the computer screen on the desk should be at eye level.  Neck pain may be caused by being up or down.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Do Pranayama, you will always remain away from diseases

Do Pranayama, you will always remain away from diseases

Do Pranayama, you will always remain away from diseases

Pranayama is an action in which even if physical movements, but every single cell of the energy body gets.

Pranayama, you will always remain away from diseases

In order to avoid the cold cold in the winter season, if you do not want to walk out of the house and do not want to exercise, do pranayama. Not only will you remain immersed in the disease, but will remain energetic. Pranayama is an action in which even if physical movements, but every single cell of the energy body gets. It is breathed in such a way that oxygen can reach every part of the body. Through this, many toxic substances can be pulled out from the body. Regularly, it is the process of detoxificance. Also improves immune system. 

80 thousand nerves are pure

More than 80 thousand nerves present in the body are purified from pranayama. With the flow of energy, the whole body remains healthy as well. By making pranayama regularly and the body, both the brain and body are free. By doing acolom-disaster and beggar etc., cardiac problems get benefit and the heart works well.


Pranayam also gives a pranayama from the problem like high blood pressure, diabetes and depression. During the pranayama, there is a discharge of such hormone from the body, which is completely relaxed by the body. On asthma or respiratory disease, it gives relief to the lungs.

Skin comes to glow

by eating all the organs, which effective on digestion is also on the digestion. The digestive system improves, with physical fitness coming, the skin also appears.

Increasing concentration

Concentration from pranayama, stress less with increasing the rise. Also, the nerves of the brain are relaxed, which increases the supply of oxygen in the body. That is, the communication of blood increases and the brain helps to be stress free.

Weight will also be less

Pranayama helps in fully control over the body. This is the reason why there is a break brake on the desire to stay some accounts repeatedly in pranayama. With this, the imbalance in our body seems to be less itself. Also stomach is also inside.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

This mango juice reduces weight, prepare mango powder at home

This mango juice reduces weight, prepare mango powder at home

 To get relief from summer we drink lemonade and other types of syrup.  In North India, many types of sorbet are consumed along with lemonade.  At the same time, in Bengal we prepare a special type of syrup, which is called mango pora. 

This mango juice reduces weight, prepare mango powder at home

It is very tasty, which helps in relieving summer.  Mango pora gets into the electrolytes present in the body due to heat and mango pora makes up the deficiency of these electrolytes.  A glass of minerals rich in minerals is sufficient to balance electrolytes.  Come, let us know the benefits of drinking mango pora… Well tell you mango pora in North India is known as mango panna.  Today we are going to tell you about the recipe of mango pora, before that let us know, what are the benefits of consuming it.

The benefits of drinking common porch are associated with the stomach insects - 

common porous deductible disorders and decent disorders. It is known to act as a treatment agent for the intestines. Apart from this, this sorbet is also valuable for children. Due to the common happiness of children, difficulties like stomach gas, stomach worms can be easily removed. 
Immune system is Boost 

This mango juice reduces weight, prepare mango powder at home

Immune system is better than consuming common. Raw mangoes are plentiful elements like antioxidants and vitamin C, which helps us to improve disease resistance. Microbial and fungal infections can be prevented from developing commonly. 

Belly Fat is less 

This mango juice reduces weight, prepare mango powder at home

Your weight will also reduce the weight of the common consumption. It contains the amount of fiber, which prevents junk or high calorecade food from eating. Simultaneously, hunger seems to be less than the common consumption. Belly fat is increasingly low when hunger is controlled. 

Digestive power is strong 

There is the power to improve the digestive system in common. Common is a natural lextile, which helps us to stimulate the function of metabolism. Digestive power is strong from its intake. Simultaneously, there is a fiber in common, which helps us to easily extract the stool through the intestinal path. 

Materials for Common Pora 

Raw mango-roasted raw common cumin powder- 1 teaspoon roasted cumin powder coriander roasted jaggery - one piece mint leaves dry red chilli- 1 to 2 pcs black pepper - half a spoon of rock salt or black salt mango After this, let this mango cool. Now take out the pulp from this mango. 

Put the mango into blender and mix it with jaggery with jaggery. Mix salt according to your taste in this paste. You can keep it in the fridge for a week. When you want to drink common man, add a little cold water in it. 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Home Workout Tips

Skip the gym, make body at home with daily 12-minute exercise

If you are hesitant to go to the gym and build a body and are thinking of making a body at home because of lack of time, then it is possible.  Most people start going to the gym initially, but after a few days they stop going to the gym due to fatigue and busy schedule.Not only this, some people also shy away from lack of money and time or lifting heavy weights. An easy way to do all this is is telling you how you can build a gym-like body at home by just 12 minutes of exercise.

Today, we will tell you some exercises that can be done in the morning or evening to get a strong body. In 12 minutes, you have to do 6 exercises which both men and women can do. For good fitness you have to adopt these essential steps.

1. High Nees

Home workout tips

 In this exercise, bring the knee of your leg to the front of your chest.  Do this continuously by alternating the feet and take a break of 10 seconds between exercises. Apart from your legs, this exercise will also strengthen your hips.

2. Burpies

Home workout tips

 For this exercise you just have to lie down on the ground and get up early. Do this continuously for 2 minutes. If you feel tired in the middle, you can take a break of 10 seconds, but try not to take more breaks than that.This exercise will strengthen both your arm and chest.  Within a few days you will know the difference.

3. Air Squat

Home workout tips

 For this exercise, stand up straight on your feet and straighten your entire body. Now go straight to your chair position on your knees. Do this for 2 minutes as well, it may cause pain in your knees but not stop.  If you want, take a break of 10 seconds. But remove it after completing 2 minutes.This will strengthen your leg and knee muscles.

4. Riplight Push-Ups

Home workout tips

 Position yourself on the ground as you do normal push-ups. In this exercise, keep one leg in the knee and bend it in the air. Now start doing push-ups. Do as many push-ups as you can by lifting one leg, as many push-ups as you do by lifting the other leg. If you want, you can also do this exercise by constantly changing legs.

5. Jump Lugs

Home workout tips

This exercise will be as easy for your body as you find it easier to see. In this you keep one leg straight and claw the other leg backwards. Now change the legs by jumping in the air and do it continuously for 2 minutes. This will affect your feet as well as the entire body.

6. Pike Planck Jump

 In this exercise, you have to come in doggy style and take the feet back with jerk and bring them again in the same position by jerk. This will cause your waist as well as your shoulders.

 If you do these 6 exercises regularly, then you will not take much time to look like a gym body. But keep in mind that do not forget to take a good diet with this regular exercise because if you do these exercises regularly and do not take the right diet then you may have to suffer loss.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

How to start strength training exercise

How to start strength training exercise

How to start strength training exercise

Before starting a heavy exercise like strength training, it is important to know some rules of weight lifting so that there are no side effects of this exercise.  If you too are very conscious about your fitness and are going to start heavy exercise, then you can plan it in this way.

Do homework before exercise
Prior to strength training exercises, complete preparation is necessary, at least in the initial phase, one to three days a week, do muscle exercises.  

Warm up for you five to ten minutes of light cardio exercise and start lifting a little heavier weight instead of straight heavy weight.  

For the exercises of different muscles, first start with one or two exercises and repeat them eight to sixteen times. When you are able to do these exercises, start repeating 15 to 16 times.  

When increasing weight, reduce repetitions. Instead of continuously exercising in the initial phase, give the body at least a day's rest. Slowly start repeating the exercise one more time or gain a little more weight each week. After this process for about six weeks, you will be able to start a strength training exercise comfortably.

How to choose strength training  exercise 

If you do not know much about strength training exercise, then it is better to hire a trainer. Some of the required strength training exercises for different parts of the body are like this. Only choose one or two exercises in the initial round.

For Chest - Bench Press, Chest Press Machine, Push Ups, Peck Deck Machine.

For Back - Seated Row Machine, Back Extension, Pulldown.

For shoulders- overhead press, lateral rage, lat pullouts.

For biceps - Biceps curl, Hammerl, Concentration curl.

For triceps - triceps extensions, dips, kickbacks.

For the lower part - squat, lounge, leg press machine, deadlifts, kaf raz.

For stomach - crunch, reverse crunch, oblique twist, pelvic tilt.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Forearm Workout

Do these exercises to strengthen the wrists and forearms

Forearm Workout

 The wrists and forearms are a very tough part of our body.  These are not easily made and are made, then they last a lifetime.

When we do hands-on exercises, people exercise only by keeping their biceps and triceps in mind.  They forget to exercise their forearms and wrists.  For strengthening the grip of hands, exercise of forearms and wrists is more important than biceps and triceps.  In body building, the rule is that after exercising one part once, there should be rest for at least 72 hours, only then it is able to grow the muscles.  But the wrist is the body part that you can exercise daily.  We are telling you the exercises that will make your arts and forearms wider and stronger.

1. Wrist curl

Place both your hands on a lower bench while keeping the palm up. Hold a barbell rod in your hands. Move your hands up and down slowly with the strength of the wrists without moving your hands.

2. Reverse wrist curl

 In contrast to wrist curl, keep both hands on the bench while keeping the palms facing down.

 Hold the barbell rod or dumbbell in your hands.

 Now, slowly move it up and down with the power of the wrists.

3. Back wrist curl

 Standing straight, move both your hands back.

 Grab the barbell while keeping the palms facing outward.

 Now move the barbell up and down while applying strength with the wrists.

 4. Weight roll

 Tie some weight to one side of a rope equal to your length.

 Tie the other end in a small pipe or piece of log.

 Stand upright and hold the pipe with both hands and let the weight hang down.

 Now roll the pipe and wrap the rope over it while keeping the hands straight in front.

 5. Farmers Carry

 Lift as much heavy dumbbells as you can in both hands.

 Now keep your hands on the side and walk as far as you can with dumbbells.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Benefits of Healthy Habits

The Benefits of Healthy Habits

  • Controls weight
  • Improves mood
  • Combats diseases
  • Boosts energy
  • Improves longevity
  • Takeaway

The Benefits of Healthy Habits

The impact of excellent health
You know that healthy habits, likeconsumption well, exercising, and avoiding harmful substances, make sense, however did you ever stop to place confidence in why you follow them? A healthy habit is any behavior that advantages your physical, mental, and emotional health. These habits improve your overall well-being and cause you to feel smart.

Healthy habits ar onerous to develop and infrequently need ever-changing your mental attitude. however if you’re willing to create sacrifices to raised your health, the impact is sweeping, despite your age, sex, or ability. Here ar 5 advantages of a healthy way.

Controls weight

Eating right and sweat often will assist you avoid excess weight gain and maintain a healthy weight. in step with the salad dressing Clinic, being physically active is crucial to reaching your weight-loss goals. notwithstanding you’re not making an attempt to slim, regular exercise will improve vas health, boost your system, and increase your energy.

Plan for a minimum of one hundred fifty minutes of moderate physical activity weekly. If you can’t devote this quantity of your time to exercise, hunt for straightforward ways that to extend activity throughout the day. as an example, attempt walking rather than driving, take the steps rather than the elevator, or pace whereas you’re talking on the phone.

Eating a balanced, calorie-managed diet may also facilitate management weight. once you begin the day with a healthy breakfast, you avoid changing into excessively hungry later, that might send you running to induce nourishment before lunch.

Additionally, skipping breakfast will raise your glucose, that will increase fat storage. Incorporate a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables into your diet per day. These foods, that ar low in calories and high in nutrients, facilitate with weight management. Limit consumption of sweet beverages, like sodas and fruit juices, and select lean meats like fish and turkey.

Improves mood

Doing right by your body pays off for your mind also. The salad dressing Clinic notes that physical activity stimulates the assembly of endorphins. Endorphins ar brain chemicals that leave you feeling happier and additional relaxed. consumption a healthy diet also as sweat will cause a stronger physique. You’ll feel higher regarding your look, which might boost your confidence and shallowness. short-run advantages of exercise embody faded stress and improved psychological feature perform.

It’s not simply diet and exercise that cause improved mood. Another healthy habit that results in higher psychological state is creating social connections. whether or not it’s volunteering, change of integrity a club, or attending a moving-picture show, communal activities facilitate improve mood and mental functioning by keeping the mind active and monoamine neurotransmitter levels balanced. Don’t isolate yourself. pay time with family or friends on a daily basis, if not each day. If there’s physical distance between you and beloved ones, use technology to remain connected. develop the phone or begin a video chat.

Combats diseases

Healthy habits facilitate stop sure health conditions, like heart condition, stroke, and high force per unit area. If you are taking care of yourself, you'll be able to keep your steroid alcohol and force per unit area inside a secure vary. This keeps your blood flowing swimmingly, decreasing your risk of vas diseases.

Regular physical activity and correct diet may also stop or assist you manage a good vary of health issues, including:

certain varieties of cancer

Make sure you schedule a physical communicating each year. Your doctor can check your weight, heartbeat, and force per unit area, also as take a body waste and blood sample. This appointment will reveal plenty regarding your health. It’s necessary to follow up along with your doctor and hear any recommendations to boost your health.

Boosts energy

We’ve all older a dazed feeling when consumption an excessive amount of unhealthy food. once you eat a diet your body receives the fuel it must manage your energy. A healthy diet includes:

low-fat dairy farm merchandise

Regular work up additionally improves muscle strength and boosts endurance, supplying you with additional energy, says the salad dressing Clinic. Exercise helps deliver element and nutrients to your tissues and gets your circulatory system operating additional with efficiency so you have got additional energy to travel regarding your daily activities. It additionally helps boost energy by promoting higher sleep. This helps you doze off quicker and obtain deeper sleep.

Insufficient sleep will trigger a spread of issues. apart from feeling tired and sluggish, you will additionally feel irritable and moody if you don’t get enough sleep. What’s additional, poor sleep quality could also be answerable for high force per unit area, diabetes, and heart condition, and it may also lower your anticipation. to boost sleep quality, keep on with a schedule wherever you get up and move to bed at identical time nightly. scale back your caffein intake, limit off your guard, and make a snug sleep setting. close up lights and therefore the tv, and maintain a cool temperature.

Improves longevity

When you follow healthy habits, you boost your probabilities of a extended life. The yankee Council on Exercise according on Associate in Nursing eight-year study of thirteen,000 people. The study showed that people who walked simply half-hour every day considerably reduced their probabilities of dying untimely, compared with people who exercised occasionally. trying forward to longer with beloved ones is reason enough to stay walking. begin with short five-minute walks and step by step increase the time till you’re up to half-hour.

The takeaway

Bad habits ar onerous to interrupt, however once you adopt a healthier way, you won’t regret this call. Healthy habits scale back the chance of sure diseases, improve your physical look and psychological state, and provides your energy a way required boost. You won’t modification your mental attitude and behavior nightlong, therefore hold back and take it in some unspecified time in the future.