
Sunday, August 30, 2020

How to Make Good body

 How to Make Good   body

How to Make Good body

A healthy human being is respected everywhere, it is very important for good body / body personality, how much you wear expensive clothes and if your body is not there, then how do you know how it is according to the present body  People are given more value whether they are in jobs or anywhere, the extent is that to make a good girl friend, one also needs a body.

Those who are thin and thin have to be pranks everywhere and they become weak even after thinking about it.They feel ashamed to be told and take advantage of this claim by the companies, they claim one by one in the market, in which some of the claims are correct, but the excess claim is useless, just a means of earning money.  One thing, let me clear you here, the body cannot be made in a day or two or a week, it cannot be reduced, it takes a lot of time and the hard work is done, the stronger it is, so today I will  I am telling you the ways by which you can make your body very comfortable and say goodbye to your lean body.

To build a body, first of all leave bad habits -

 1). Quit smoking: - If you are serious about making a body, then you will have to give up some bad habits first such as khani, gutkha, cigarette, paan, if you cannot quit then use little.

2). Quit masturbating: - Another very bad habit is in almost every boy that masturbation (Masturbation), which has been controlled by it, there is no problem in making the body and often the body is not the same boy who has the pleasure of masturbating.It is felt that this is a very bad habit, the day you leave this thing, understand that your body will start to form, this thing does a lot of damage to the body.

The white substance that comes out on masturbation is a squeeze of our body which is made up of many vitamins which we waste in such a way that there is a lack of vitamins in our body, you can leave it for 1 month. After that you will know the difference yourself, if you want to have a good body, then you have to leave this habit and keep at least 15 days time.

Pay attention to your diet and diet to build a quick body

3). Drink enough quantity of water: - Do not let your body lack water, although water is consumed according to the weight of the body, but no one has the time to always measure it, but drink plenty of water, it will not cause some problem.  Rather, the more you drink, the more you will benefit.

4). Increase your diet: - You have to change the way you eat and drink, eat 3-4 times a day, eat only a little, but increase the diet, which will make you start feeling hungry, whatever claim comes to build the body.  It only increases appetite.

5). Take the required amount of calories: - In order to build a body, you have to take the required amount of calories and calories will come from eating the right way, so use the food which has more calories, I have given you a link from here you can know  How many calories do you need everyday. Go here.

To get more calories, you should consume this type like.

Morning - Evening - 1-2 glasses of milk.

1-2 pieces of banana in the morning and evening.

Morning - Evening - 1-2 eggs.


Use non-veg.

 Use soybeans.

Eat green vegetables.

Use more salad.

 6). Pay attention when eating: - Eat time, eat from outside food, and eat quality food, and whenever you eat food, do not take tea and coffee immediately after eating chew.

 7). Sleep: - Sleep is very important to build a body, so rest, and sleep on time. If you do not sleep at bedtime, drink water before going to bed. Drinking water before going to bed at night reduces your stress and improves sleep. Get at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep.

8). Avoid these things: - To build body quickly, you should avoid eating junk food and sweet. Along with this, make a distance from the locked things.

9).  Use of fat substances: - Fat substances work to increase your body. Its effect lasts longer if taken in the right amount.Like - butter, chips, giyi etc. can be taken from substances.Fats are olive, olive, canola, sesame oil, salmon fish, and samarandha are food items.Fat fat is essential for heart, blood, children, eyesight and brain development.

10).  Vitamins and calcium: - Use a certain amount of vitamins and calcium, it will come from your food and drink. It depends on your age, sex, weight, how much vitamin and calcium you want, then if you want, then you can also use the claim for it.  Can do, such as Bikosool, Re-butal, etc.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

How to make body from gym

 How to make body   from gym

How to make body from gym

Nowadays everyone wants to build a body by going to GYM, I have read many blogs on the Internet. Someone says that in 30 days you can make a body without going to GYM, but there is nothing that will be made in 30 days.  And without going to GYM, it is my own experience, if you really want to build a body, you have to work very hard and it depends on your body that in how many days your body will be formed because it is not necessary  If the body is made in 3 months, then you will also be made in 3 months.

Not everyone's body is the same and neither does the same thing, someone's body is such that what they eat will digest and the body becomes good and on the other side of it, no matter how much one eats, there is nothing in his body.  And he remains lean but if your body is lean then you go to GYM and practice your body will definitely be made but do not go thinking that it will be made in 30 days, thinking that GYM will make you body.

1. Choose the best gym

Whenever it comes to build body with GYM.  So first of all, the most important thing for him is to choose a good GYM.  If you want to build a body, then you have to choose a good GYM and you should also have a good trainer in that GYM, so that he keeps telling you good tips every day.  And if you exercise by keeping those tips in mind, then you can make a fit body of your own.

 And if you select an AC GYM.  Where there is no time  There is no trainer there.  Then you feel disappointed.  For this, you should join a good GYM and with this you can take body building tips through internet, video, TV etc.

2. Go to GYM everyday

The first rule of going to GYM is to go to GYM everyday and on time, if you are not going to GYM on time every day then it is useless to go to GYM.

3. eat good food

The second and most important part is that after good GYM practice you should eat good. Your body must take good dose after GYM.

Eat dry foods like almond cashew nuts, they are very hot, so eat them in winter and you can eat eggs, and also drink banana shake as it will keep your body cool.

4. Take Protein or Creatine

If you can take protein or Creatine, then take it too, because many times we do not get everything we need from our food, that is why you can also take protein or Creatine. This will help in building your body and a great company said  So that it does not have any side effects.

I will tell you GYM tips and later how you can enlarge chest, how to enlarge the size of arms quickly, which practice is more effective, which practice should be delayed, and for health tips, we were connected before starting GYM  Be sure to consult the GYM coach because he will tell you well about GYM.

5. Perform body warmup before workout

If you want to build a body quickly.  So a lot of hard work has to be done for this.  And you should not try to lift heavy weight from the beginning because if you start lifting more weight in the beginning.  Then you start feeling pain in the muscles later.  And after a lot of injuries, too.  For this you should first warm-up a little.  And inside it, you can also take help of your partner.

6. Breathing and exhaling

When you workout  At that time, you should come to breathe and leave because if you do not breathe properly.  So you can face any problem.

7. get good sleep

Whenever you do workouts.  So after that you must get sleep because when you do workouts.  Then after that you need to rest.  So you should get good sleep after workouts and we should sleep for about 6 to 8 hours after GYM.

8. Powder for making body

In today's time, many body building supplements come to make a body.  And many people also use them.  These people think  That by taking all these, a quick body is formed.  But AC is not the case. All this is as long as you take it. Until the tab your body remains perfectly fit and turmeric.  And after closing it, it becomes like before.  And sometimes these supplements cause damage to our body as well, so you should focus more on your workout instead of bodybuilding, powder and capsules.


How to build your body has been told about how to build health, if you have any questions or suggestions other than this, please comment below and ask.  And do share this post so that others can also know this information.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Why are some people never fat

 Why are some       people never fat

Why are some people never fat

Weight - They were never seen doing exercises, when they were seen eating something or the other, yet the figure is such that we are always roasted, and think that it is the deeds of the past life that made it so good  Boon figure

How many times such things created panic in my heart, but today I have an answer to it and you too will be eager to know this secret.

Why some of us never get fat, do not gain weight - no amazing herbs, but many reasons.

1. No fat enzymes

This is a digestive enzyme called M.G.A.T.  - 2 is that which works to digest fat, but it is found in a thin person, therefore it increases the possibility that fat gets out of his body instead of accumulating.  This enzyme works to convert fat into energy and to store fat for the time of need.  Due to the lack of body in this enzyme, fat gets out in your body instead of accumulating, due to which some people are not obese despite eating lots of fatty food.

2. Non-Excise Activity Thermogenesis

Neat is often called everyday activities which are not excise, but by doing them, sometimes the weight of human being is reduced to 4 thousand instead of 2 thousand, this is the same everyday work that you and we all do now listening to songs  Have to move the legs, have a habit of moving at your place, sometimes these habits become the cause of low weight.

3. Genetic reason

Our genes work to determine our weight, we meet our parents, sometimes some people are always thin due to their being equal or not.  But it has been found that if you have double presence of chromosome-16 genes in your body, which is the main reason behind the thinning of a person, then you remain slim but if the chromosome-16 genes are not found then your weight  Grows very quickly.

4. Sickly

Many times diseases like hyperthyroidism, malnutrition and diabetes are hidden behind your thinning, in which prolonged carelessness is fatal.

5. More muscle

In some people, having more muscles is the reason behind less weight, most of their energy is spent in maintaining these muscles.  That is why making mosque is one such beneficial way by which anyone can control their weight.

Being thin is like a boon, but if you feel problems like weakness, less hunger, then consult a qualified doctor soon.  Those who are deprived of this boon do exercises or yoga.