
Sunday, May 31, 2020

How to lose two pounds a week

How To Loss Two Pounds A Week

This article will lay out what it takes to lose two pounds a week and answer some common questions regarding this goal. Let's begin with a numerical understanding so you know what you are shooting for.

What Does It Take To Lose Two Pounds A Week?

In order to lose 1 pound, you need to run a caloric deficit of 3500 calories. So, if you goal is to lose two pounds a week, you need to have a caloric deficit of 7000 calories in a week's time, or average about 1000 calories a day. It may seem difficult on the surface, but this does not mean cutting your daily food intake by 1000 calories. As long as you average a net deficit of 1000 calories, you will lose two pounds by the end of the week. I'll explain more later.

What Should I Do First?

The first thing you need to do is know your caloric intake. Unless you've been following some pre-defined diet (with calorie stats), you need to record what you eat and how much you eat. Most food items have calorie information per serving size, so just check the labels. Do this for 7 days and you can find your average caloric intake per day.

Do I Have To Starve Myself 1000 Calories A Day To Lose Two Pounds A Week?

Now, remember the keyword is NET deficit, and that means you just need to burn more than you consume. So, if you take in just 500 calories less than you used to and burn 500 more than you used to, you will have a deficit of a 1000 calories! Eating smaller portions of the right foods more often can decrease your total caloric intake, keep you from feeling really hungry, AND burn more calories. 

What Can I Eat To Keep The Calories Down Yet Still Feel Satisfied.The key here is to eat foods that will satisfy you so you won't keep eating.

Foods That Contain a Lot of Water and Drinking Water before Meals.

Eating these type of foods both fills you up and contain less calories. Ex. Chicken broth, leafy greens, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, apples, watermelon, blueberries, peaches, cantaloupe, etc. Drinking Water before Meals

One of the big causes for weight loss is overeating. By drinking one or two glasses of water before starting a meal, the body starts to fill up on a calorie free liquid. This curbs the hunger somewhat and limits the craving to eat.

Furthermore, in an article published by the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, it publicized a study which shows that the body's metabolism increases by 30% after drinking 2 glasses of water. This means that the fat accumulated during a meal will burn faster and more efficiently when you drink water before eating. In the same study they found that people actually ate fewer calories after drinking water, and lost more weight than their counterparts.

In short - When you drink water before eating a meal it does two things for your diet: First of all, you end up eating fewer calories during the meal. Second, the water improves the system's ability to burn calories efficiently. Drinking water before meals is definitely a good start to a healthy diet and weight loss program.

 Fiber Foods

Aim for about 30 grams of fiber a day. These types of carbohydrates have only around 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 calories per gram as opposed to other types that have 4. Fiber not only slows the digestive process, which helps prevent blood sugar spikes, but also makes you feel satisfied. Stabilizing blood sugar is one way to prevent cravings and, therefore, overeating. Excellent food sources include whole grains, beans, and fruits and vegetables with skin.

Lean Protein

Always include lean protein in your meal. Studies have shown that protein make you feel full longer, thus keeping you from feeling hungry. Chicken, beans, fish, soy products, lean meats, low fat dairy, etc. are all great sources of protein.

Healthy Fats

Although fats are high in calories compared to protein and carbohydrates, 9-4-4 respectively, it is important to include just enough fats in your (main) meals to produce satiety. How much fat you take in with your meals depends on what your total caloric target is. Remember, if you want to lose two pounds a week, you must run a caloric deficit. So in order to get enough food in but still meet your caloric target, use fats wisely.

Extra virgin olive oil, expeller pressed canola oil, seeds and nuts are all healthy fats (Note: expeller press oils DO NOT involve chemicals or solvents in the extraction process).

What Kind Of Exercise Should I Do To Burn A Lot Of Calories?

This one is easy. Do bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, dips, and squats. These exercises activate the central nervous system and stimulate maximum muscle fibers, all critical to maximizing fat loss. If you even want a change to lose two pounds a week, DO THESE. To burn even more fat (exclusively), do about 15 minutes of low - medium intensity cardio IMMEDIATELY after your workout.

Are You Ready To Lose Two Pounds A Week...NOW?

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Triceps Workout For Home


I'm usually not the one to care about how big my arms are. However, it's summer time, and if you don't have a nice set of arms, then people will never know you workout. So it's time tone up those arms, and you can do it right in the comfort of your own home. You will need the following equipment: a pair of dumbbells, pullup bar (or something to hang on), and your bodyweight.

We're going to be doing something known as interval training. Intervals are where you perform a particular exercise for a given time frame, then move on to next exercise. We will be alternating between two exercises back to back, which is called a superset. Hence, this method can be effectively called Superset Intervals (Or Interval Supersets, whichever you prefer).

Here's the first set of exercises:

 1. Hammer Curls 

Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold the dumbbells out to your sides, with your palms inwards. Curl the dumbbells towards the ceiling, while keeping the palms inward, facing each other.

2. Chinups 

Get underneath a pullup bar. Grab the bar with a shoulder width grip, palms facing you. Tuck your feet behind you by bending your knees. Pull your body up towards the bar until your chin clears the bar.

Perform hammer curls for 30 seconds, then move onto chinups. Perform chinups for 30 seconds, and move straight back to hammer curls. Perform each exercise for 3 sets. This combo will take you just 3 minutes

Here's the second set of exercises:

3. Pushups 

 Get into pushup position with a comfortable hand grip. Lower your body towards the ground until your chest is just an inch off the ground. Push yourself back up to starting position.

4. Tricep Extension 

 Grab one dumbbell with both hands   by clasping your hands around one of the heads of the dumbbell. Hold it in this position carefully above your head while standing shoulder width apart. Lower the dumbbell behind your head by bending your elbows. Lower until your elbows are fully bent, then lift back to starting position.

Perform pushups for 30 seconds, then move onto tricep extensions. Perform tricep extensions for 30 seconds, then move back to pushups. Perform each exercise 3 sets. This combo will take you just 3 minutes.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Dumbbell Biceps Workout at home

The Most Simple ( And Effective !) Dumbbell weight Biceps Workout You Can Find

try this three move routine and build big arms and biceps 

Dumbbell Biceps Workout at home

1. Arms Dumbbell Preacher Curls

set 3 Reps 8-6 Rest 90 sec

You Need What do you need to do preacher curl bench which may be found at the most gyms and might even be purchased for your home if you opt that you simply wish to take a position in some fitness instrumentality. during this article, want} to show a way to do Dumbbell Preacher curls therefore you'll conjointly need a dumbbell or 2 (for one bimanual and 2 bimanual variations of this exercise).

How to do the preacher curl?

Let's inspect the one bimanual version because the 2 bimanual version is sometimes through with AN EZ bar and not with dumbbells.

Your position yourself at a height during which you'll be able to rest one arm, the one holding the dumbell, extended and resting against the bench's pad. the opposite hand, the free one, rests on prime of the pad and helps you support and stabilize your body throughout the exercise.

Your higher body and back ought to be straight and your feet positioned wide to lend additional stability.

You perform the exercise by curling your arm upward till it's slightly higher than horizontal. the sole muscle that is speculated to be operating is that the bicep (with forearm muscles supporting). confirm to not let your elbow slide or move and avoid tilting or twisting your higher body. If you cannot try this exercise properly copulate with less weight.

Once you reach the highest position, you would like to carry for a second or 2 before lowering the dumbbell all the way down to the beginning position.

As always, for large muscle growth you'll ought to gain the burden, however i like to recommend doing it just one occasion you managed to accumulate total management over the dumbbell.

Work each arms symmetrically to avoid growing one larger than the opposite. embody this exercise typically in your routine.

2.  Incline Dumbbell Curl 

sets 3 Reps 8-10 Rest 90 sec

We've all done the dumbbell curl, but if you're really trying to isolate your biceps a little better (when I say "better", I mean "without cheating as much"), then I completely recommend trying out the incline dumbbell curl. Here's how it's done:

Find the incline bench at your gym; it'll usually be its own thing, but sometimes you'll have to actually pull the pin out and raise the normal bench yourself. Sit down on it with a dumbbell in each hand. (If this is your first time going it, then I recommend starting with about five pound less in each hand then you would normally do with the regular Dumbbell Curl) Start with your arms hanging loosely down by your sides.

As always, remember to keep your elbows close to your sides and just in front of your body (torso). Slowly begin to lift both arms - at the same time - in the normal motion of curling, and stop when you can't lift them up any higher. Make sure you keep your arms balanced and as steady as you can while doing this lift.

Pause when you get to the top of the lift, then slowly lower your arms back down to where you started.

At the bottom, count to three to three and a half before starting another repetition. This should keep you from depending on the momentum of your arms to swing the dumbbells back up.

If done correctly, this really should minimize cheating, thereby giving yourself a much better workout.

3. Dumbbell Hammer Curl 

Sets 3 Reps 10-12 Rest 90

You take a dumbbell in each hand and take your position, either standing or sitting. If you sit on a chair, make sure to elevate your feet on a short stool to ease tension off the lower back.

Place your elbows firmly by your sides and let the dumbbells hang down from fully stretched hands. If you stand, bend your knees a bit or place on foot behind you to increase stability.

With one fluid motion, raise both dumbbells as far as they can go. Make sure to not allow your elbows to move forward from your sides or to shift as they breaks the isolation of the biceps. Exhale as you bring the dumbbells upward.

At the top position, squeeze both biceps tight as possible, hold for a second, and then lower your arms back to the starting position. Inhale on the way down in preparation for the next rep.

If you want to make the exercise harder, you can do the negative exercise which means bringing the dumbbells down very slowly. This will increase the difficulty of the exercise tremendously and may lead to muscle soreness. However, it is also very effective.

Hammer curls help you train the biceps in a slightly different angle and also target the outer forearms. They are also useful at the end of a set of dumbbell curls as they are easier and allow you to do a few more sets after you've tired your arms with the regular curls.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Best 15 minute workout at home for Women

Best 15 minute workout at home for Women

It's 100 percent true! it's entirely doable to accumulate a superb physical exercise while not ever setting foot during a athletic facility or hard cash on costly, large home physical exercise instrumentality. you are doing not want elaborate instrumentality, the money for a rich athletic facility membership, or overtime to drive to and from a piece out center.

You can come through glorious fat burning results, redoubled aerobic edges and fantastic body toning by utilizing exercises that burn fat and manufacture dramatic results. Contrary to the data given within the media, you'll be able to additionally do your physical exercise reception with no instrumentality needed.

Maintaining a thriving physical exercise will usually be tough. However, the very fact remains that to reap all of the health and aesthetics edges that understanding systematically can give, it's essential to permit nothing to interfere along with your progress. Major factors that contribute to not understanding systematically are:

o Perceived lack of your time
o Lack of cash
o Lack of information

With the physical exercise for girls reception, those 3 obstacles can not be a difficulty. Knowing that exercises to settle on, a way to most effectively complete them within the thinnest of your time and having the choice of doing the exercises reception while not costly instrumentality or a athletic facility membership can facilitate consistency as you start your reception physical exercise.

Before we have a tendency to get to the sample fifteen minute physical exercise, we have a tendency to should initial think again some vital, however easy physical exercise tips.

Choose These Exercises

The following exercises square measure glorious for increasing the potential of burning fat, sculpting lean muscle, and increasing stamina. Exercises that utilize the best range of muscles and permit for a full vary of motion can optimize your exercise efforts. the subsequent exercises square measure the foremost powerful decisions for increasing the fat burning, body sculpting edges and decreasing the time necessary for a good physical exercise.

o Lunges and every one variations

o Inverted rows

o Squats

o Squat Thrusts

o Push-ups and every one variations

o Chin-ups, assisted chin-ups, and every one variations

o Burpees

o Planks, side plank

o Mountain climbers

Choose This Format

o ne'er sit down. forever stay standing as this may permit you to burn additional calories than sitting, and each bit helps if you would like to urge additional leads to less time.

o Keep your rest periods to a minimum. once activity circuits, try and keep the remainder between circuits at one to 2 minutes.

o Over time, make certain you try more difficult exercises. this can be one among the most effective ways that to stay obtaining additional leads to less time.

o strive victimisation totally different coaching techniques: for a few sets perform the repetitions as quick as doable whereas maintaining management and excellent type. different times perform the repetitions terribly slow and controlled.

o make certain you improve your performance systematically. this may be accomplished by either activity additional repetitions for Associate in Nursing exercise, victimisation additional advanced exercises, activity additional circuits, or decreasing the remainder periods between exercises and/or circuits.

Sample fifteen Minute Home physical exercise for girls

-Jumping Jacks x fifty

-Squats x fifteen

-Elevated Push-ups x twelve

-Beginner Inverted Row x twelve

-Crossover Lunge x ten every leg

-Plank x thirty seconds

-Squat Thrusts x ten

Perform that circuit one exercise right when the opposite for quarter-hour straight. Rest solely as required and check out to finish as several circuits as doable therein fifteen minute amount.

Remember, you'll be able to additionally perform some repetitions quick, and different times perform them terribly slow to permit for selection and a special coaching result.

Also, consequent time you repeat that physical exercise, make certain you improve your performance by victimisation one among the antecedently mentioned strategies.

That sample fifteen minute physical exercise can permit you to burn additional body fat and sculpt lean, attractive muscle {much additional|far more|rather more|way more} effectively than ancient athletic facility workouts that take half-hour or more to complete!

If you actually need additional leads to less time whereas saving cash, then home workouts square measure positively the answer you've got been trying to find.

Monday, May 18, 2020

10 Tips to Fast Weight Loss At Home

10 Tips to Fast Weight Loss At Home

Many diets out there secure fast weight loss while not been able to fulfill their phoney claims. you'll even hurt yourself in commit to slenderize following their recommendations. Minor changes in your life-style is also all you need to slenderize quick reception.

(1) Detoxing:

Getting obviate the poisonous substance in your body is that the fastest thanks to slenderize and acquire back your health. First State poisonous substance can flush out the toxins that ar impeding your colon. it's vital for everybody not solely those that have an interest in weight loss.

(2) Avoid supermolecule

Do not eat any supermolecule that's - or are often - white. thence don't eat the subsequent foods apart from among one. five hours of finishing a resistance-training travail of a minimum of twenty minutes in length: bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta, and deep-fried food with breading. If you avoid intake something white, you will be safe.

(3) be part of a Support cluster Or athletic facility

When making an attempt to slenderize it's sensible to possess support. realize a fan World Health Organization is willing to shed weight if that's not obtainable be part of a support cluster or a athletic facility wherever there ar folks with similar goals.

(4)Procuring cheap Home Fitness Equipments

You can purchase cheap home fitness equipments it'll permit you to figure at the convenient time and luxury of your home. Dumbbells, bars, rings, exercise ball etc. ar relatively cheap however equally effective in weight loss. Cardio workouts reception while not instrumentation are doable exploitation jumping rope otherwise you will do cardiopulmonary exercise or running exercises. Crunches, push ups, jumping jacks and squats ar best-known for his or her sensible effects on muscles.

(5) ne'er shopping On Empty Stomach:

Never shopping on associate degree empty abdomen and you may be less tempted into shopping for junk foods. Once you do not have it reception the lesser the chance of it crawling into your diet.

(6) Eat Low Calorie Foods:

For quick weight loss embrace food within the low calorie list in your diet. Cut junk, oily and processed food. cut back sweets and desserts and don't drink sugared foods. Eat legion vegetables and fibers as these ar useful for weight loss. embrace lean cuts of meat in your diet. Besides, diet may assist you slenderize quick. Eat additional contemporary and wholesome foods, and whole grain product. for example, whole wheat cereals, healthy breads, fat free yoghourt, etc

(7) Set A Goal hooked up To A Date;

Your want to slenderize ought to be dated and written down. as an example, i'll weigh 200lbs by Gregorian calendar month fifteen. Stick it somewhere outstanding wherever it'll function a relentless reminder of goal. it's an excellent rational motive.

(8) Stop Drinking sugared Drinks:

Drinks like soda ought to be avoided as they add solely empty calorie to the body. If you discover it exhausting to prevent altogether cut back your intake and bit by bit replace it with water.

(9) Drink legion Water:

Drink legion water it's sensible for you, you'll be able to additionally drink sugarless  tea, tea, diet sodas, low (without white cream), or alternative no-calorie/low-calorie beverages as you wish. Avoid milk, traditional soft drinks, or drinkable. Taking a glass of wine each day is OK

(10) Eat Breakfast Always:

Always eat most of your calories early within the day and eat breakfast perpetually. Avoid intake once 8pm and not solely can you avoid those excess fat however you may sleep higher.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga for Weight Loss

Obesity has continuously been a priority for individuals because it causes varied physical and mental discomforts.

Lack of stamina, problem in physical movements, problem in respiratory square measure a number of the physical troubles that individuals with the surplus weight face.

Feeling inferior and stress square measure the mental uneasiness caused by fat. Effective designing and also the implementation of plans to change state may be a should to earn back all those comforts.

this text brings out one special strategy towards losing weight which is yoga. Yoga may be a Brobdingnagian subject that contains ton of strategies which will assist you get obviate excess weight from your body.

Significance of Yoga

Yoga isn't a high intensity exercise that produces you sweat and thin.

it's a delicate methodology that tones your body by stretching and respiration mechanisms.

Yoga can not be claimed as a giant elbow grease possibility because it is of moderate intensity.

terribly fast weight loss can not be full-fledged with this methodology, however a sizeable modification is created which may be maintained for a really long amount of your time.

With yoga, correct body form is toned and weight gain is qualified.

Yoga postures

The techniques and postures of yoga concentrate chiefly on stretching and respiration strategies.

The respiration induces a lot of metabolisms and also the stretching can found out muscle expansions.

although these procedures aid the load loss method indirectly, it's to be admitted that they're very effective in transportation out results.

an honest frame of mind ought to be developed so as to require the yoga initiative.

the most important advantage is that yoga could be a restful method of elbow grease that as mentioned earlier relieves you from any quite stress.


Yoga for Weight Loss

Doing yoga stretches your body in smart ways in which.

once lean muscles area unit synthesized, calories within the body get burnt and this is often an efficient thanks to melt off.

The stretching exercises build your body to get a lot of muscles.

once muscles expend energy, great amount of calories are spent and this is often the principle behind the stretching strategies.

Another advantage is that stretching isn't a awfully high intensity exercise and might be simply adopted by anyone.

Stretching exercises eases you aloof from any physical strains yet takes you to a better level of health.


Proper respiratory mechanism helps you to change state imposingly.

respiratory is that the mechanism wherever atomic number 8 intake happens.

atomic number 8 facilitates the breaking down of food molecules.

once there's additional offer of atomic number 8, the simpler are the respiration method that ends up in the exhaustion of calories.

Synchronous respiratory in conjunction with correct stretching is during all|one amongst|one in every of} the principles of yoga that aids weight loss in a huge method.

Slow respiratory is suggested that prompts effective body metabolism.

Bikram yoga 

This is a most popular exercise by sports persons particularly the athletes.

several celebrities too choose this yoga technique that drastically burns out calories within the body.

One main issue that must be practiced is consistency.

This yoga ought to be in hot water a minimum of 10 times for over a amount of 1 month.

The Bikram yoga may be a combination of aerobic, cardio tube and fat burning exercises.

there'll not be enough time gaps to apply this sweat.

it'll take a jiffy to familiar with the speed of exercises.

The key here is to extend the guts rate and burn a lot of quantity of fats with this yoga procedure.

The comfort that one will feel within the minds whereas doing this exercise is exceptional.

Stress levels is relieved off to an outsized extent by following this yoga procedure.

Weight loss outcomes square measure guaranteed to happen with the apply of bikram yoga and not solely are you able to tone your mind well you may additionally increase.

Astanga Yoga

These yoga procedures ar those that think about respiratory procedure beside a range of body postures.

Synchronization of respiratory beside the body postures attribute to weight loss.

The temperature levels of the body go up in doing these yoga exercises that induces riotous sweating.

This detoxifies body to a high extent and gets eliminate calories.

Also, body metabolism shoots up with the apply of Astanga yoga that is that the biggest would like of the hour to turn.

Health conditions is immensely improved and mind is just about improved on the management and tolerance levels.

Important Tips

it's best to observe yoga for a minimum of thirty to forty minutes day after day to reap full edges.

Early morning is that the best time for doing yoga Evening schedules are often even be planned often.

Have solid foods four to 5 hours before you are doing the yoga exercises and take liquid foods one hour before active yoga and don't take something for a

minimum of one hour before beginning with the yoga postures.

observe space ought to be clean and may be destitute of disturbances.

it's a requirement to try and do yoga on a mat or a artefact and one ought to ne'er couple on the clean flooring.

feeder diet should be followed and check out to avoid spicy foods.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Home Six Pack Abs Exercises

One of the best ways to get a fit and trim abdomen is by starting with the basic fat burning exercises and following a low calorie and low carb diet. I have listed below some of the best and most effective "home" Six Pack Abs Exercises for men that you can follow each and every day to get your body in shape.

Simple Reverse Crunch

Home Six Pack Abs Exercises

Anyone looking to define their abs should consider the Reverse Crunch. This exercise is mainly targeting the lower part of your abs but not only.

Bicycle Crunches

Home Six Pack Abs Exercises

This exercises concentrates on your rectus abdominal muscles. The part of muscle that covers and protects your internal organs. The bicycle crunch has proved to be one of the most effective abs workout.

Exercise Ball

Home Six Pack Abs Exercises

Everyone should have an exercise ball in their home. The ball is made out of latex and it's fully filled with air. Ball exercises are some of the easiest to do and not only but there are a wide variety of them.

Long-Arm Crunches

A pretty intense six pack abs exercise for the rectus abdominal muscles. While you have your arms extended above your head this exercise increases the abdomen resistance.

I am sure these six pack abs exercises will help you achieve the abs you have dreamed of however a proper nutrition will boost your energy and increase the belly fat loss process. Eating less carbohydrates is essential when looking to get a firm and well defined abdomen. Do not forget to eat fruit and veggies at breakfast and throughout the day.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Best Abdominal Workout at Home

Best Abdominal Workout at Home

If your looking to shed a few pounds and start getting the best abdominal workout you've come to the right place. In this article I'm going to share with you the best abdominal workout you can do at home that will get you looking your best. And the nice part is it won't take you very long to perform.


Crunches are considered to be on of the best abdominal workout exercises you can do for your abs. Now, I know that you've probably heard this before because crunches have been the talk for many, many years now but there is no better way to work your midsection than by doing good old fashion crunches.

In order to do crunches properly I suggest that you find a good solid platform where you can place your feet under and allow for yourself to get the best results. The key to doing good crunches is to focus on short upper movements keeping your back and neck well supported. I suggest when performing this exercise you place your arms and hands across your chest.

To get the best results from doing crunches here is a simple little action plan you can put into place:

Don't do crunches every single day! Abdominals are just like any other muscle in the body. After you are finished with your work out they need time to rest and heal. So I suggest you spend 10 to 15 minutes every other day working your abs.

In order to get the best results on your days off I suggest doing some cardio. If you have a layer of fat over your abs you can do all the crunches you want and you will never see the results from this best abdominal workout.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Best home leg workout

By reading this text , I assume you want to be trying to find the simplest leg workouts reception with none special equipment. Most times we fail to get going with exercising just because we think and feel we don't have the right equipment.

There are many reasons why you may not have the equipment. Maybe you do not have enough space within the house, maybe what you would like is beyond your budget, or you're always on the move and you cannot keep moving the equipment.

So what do you do when you can't have the equipment? Quit and forget about working out?

If you're trying to find the simplest leg workouts reception that do not need any extra equipment, then you're within the right place.

Advantages of leg workouts

Before we start with the best leg workouts, it is important to know that leg workouts improve your mental strength. It takes a lot for one to kick start leg workouts because it takes lots of energy both mentally and physically.

Additionally, the best leg workouts also help you build a bigger upper body. This is because while performing heavy squats, the chest muscles are tensed up. So -leg workouts are not just necessarily to help develop the leg muscles but also other body muscles. It will also greatly improve your overall balance.

The best leg workouts to do at home

The Squat

The squat is basically a must in any body building exercise, and one of the best leg workouts. It is essential because it works on more body muscles than any other body movement.

Squats are a great way you can improve your flexibility. Remember, having a highly flexible body helps to greatly reduce any injury risks while performing other workouts.

Most of the effective squats will usually require you to possess some weight. The squat jump may be a cool one that does not need any weights. To effectively achieve this, confirm your feet are hip-wide, jump high, but after a second approximately . As you jump, confirm it's as high as possible.

The reason why this workout is so effective is because not only are your core muscles activated, but also all of your lower body muscles. If you are to look for just one exercise out of the best leg workouts, then squats are the ones to pick.

The Scissor Box Jump

Best home leg workout

The Scissor box jump is one of the best leg workouts to help you get faster and even stronger. To perform this, you will need a bench or a hard box. You can also make use of the first step on your staircase if you have nothing to work with.

To execute the scissor box jump, allow one leg to be on the bench, hard box or staircase, then jump. While in mid air, switch your legs so that the one that was on the higher object goes down to the floor and the one that was on the floor goes up.

It is advised to pause for about a second before redoing the process. Again, make sure you jump as high as possible.

While the scissor box jump leg work is great for developing leg muscles, it also helps to exercise the lower body. Additionally, it is a great workout for burning fats.

Hip raise with single leg

Leg Workouts for Women: The hip raise with one leg is seemed to be for ladies by many of us but it's an honest exercise for both men and ladies . The great thing about the hip raise with one leg workout is that additionally to performing on your legs, your abs, core, and gluts also get to be exercised.

To perform the hip raise with a single leg exercise, lie down on your back with your arms slightly away from your body. Keep one leg straight on the floor, while the other knee is bent and feet on the floor.

Now, raise the straight leg up until your thigh is in the air. Then go further to raise your hips until your lower back is also in the air. This will exercise your lower back and keep it fit.

At that point, hold for a moment, then return to original position and switch legs.

The Side lunge

Best home leg workout

The side lunge is a little unique because it exercises the legs, thighs, and gluts; but in a slightly different manner.

The right way to perform the side lunge is to place your feet about a meter apart. While keeping your left leg straight, move backward towards the right side. While lowering your body, slowly and gently bend your right knee. Continue lowering your body until your thigh is straight and parallel to the floor.

Hold for about 2 seconds, and then gently move back to the starting position. Now switch and move to the opposite side. While doing this, remember to always have your feet flat on the floor.

One of the advantages of the side lunge workout is that your core stability is increased. In addition to that, your hip flexure flexibility is also improved.

Another great positive is the ability for the exercise to de-load your spine. De-loading the spine is when load, weight or stress is taken off the spinal. Allowing the spinal to relax. This is helpful because most of the workouts exert pressure on the spine.

Lastly, since you exercise one side of your body at a time, the side lunge immensely contributes to having a great body balance.

Because of the tremendous benefits of the side lunge, it is slightly complex. Even though it looks otherwise. Ideally, you are supposed to maintain your torso upright while having your pelvic poorly positioned.


When you ask people how often they do legs workouts at home, most will say they already run or jog a lot. Well... that is great but believe it or not, you won't be able to achieve the highest level of results doing that.If you are looking to work on your leg muscles, you better go for the best leg workouts.